Feb 06, 2008 17:20
So yesterday, I restarted my computer when my anti-virus software told me to, and got screwed in the process. When I got back to the desktop, it didn't start my internet automatically like it should have, Citrus Alarm was deactivated, and AVG Control Center wasn't working either. And because I had no idea that Citrus Alarm was deactivated, I didn't wake up this morning until 10:25 -- meaning I missed class. Really, really lame. ><
I got the internet to work, but now the radio icon won't show up in my taskbar after I restart, and I have to manually start it.
Oh, and to top it all off, ActiveSync went nuts and needed to be reinstalled.
Anyone know why this might happen, after restarting? I didn't get any error messages saying my system suffered an error or anything.
I just don't get it.
In other news...my coconut (read: Islamic) birthday is Monday, and I have no plans or anything. Oh, and I ordered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Braille on Monday. Oh, and my mom, who is supposed to be my subject for my life history project in my Asian American studies class, went to India Monday night as well; I need to figure out a way to interview her over the phone, because I need to get it written up and turned in by the 22nd.
Meh. -_-;;