Dec 04, 2007 22:52
So my friend, introduced me to her boyfriend's friend, towards the very last week of Novemeber and I was my usual shell-shocked, timid weirdo, he liked me right away because we had been talking a few days straight on the aim, I was feeling it really, just because my last relationship was so... it just wasn't good. So yesterday they held a benefit dinner for his dad, who's very sick and he introduced me to his folks, which I was dreading because their his parents and my real judges, he is their son after all and I was afraid they wouldn't like me, I won't go to deep into it, but his mother scares me, and his younger brother, won't stop hugging me... physcial contact is not my strong suit.
I'll bear it for him, only because he seems to be the type that thinks family is most important and while I share that view I wouldn't be the type to impose my family on you and force you to deal with them or it won't work, in fact, I want to spear people of my family, we are socially dysfyctional after all. I love my family, but you don't have to, it would be nice if you did.
Now what's really weird about this relationship (becuase he asked me to be his girlfriend that monday) is that I really, really like him on that high level, which I tend to stay away from and want to continue to stay away from just because it creeps me out, alot, I may sound like a romntic, but I'm actually quite skeptical of it, too many broken hearts in a row, I feel like a cat down to its last nine lives.
I want to be with him all the time, even though part of me feels he'd rather be with his friends glued to that tv playing Video Games, but my friend keeps telling me that he would rather be with me.
Now I'm the extremly jelous type, I won't be the kind of girl that forbids her boyfriend to see other girls, but I don't like seeing him around all the those other girls and comforting them and such, makes my negitive side spark and say, why don't you just be with her and leave me alone.
But he likes me or at least acts like it, I don't know, this is my skeptical side showing, you know out of all the girls he knows, why someone he never met before. I'll always have this shadows lurking over me, bad experiances and the fact that I really like him on that scary level.
Because I'm already possessive of him in the sense that I don't ever want to let him go away from me, I mean I would fight to keep us together, even though I'm afraid he's the one who is going to break my heart or vice verse because I'm afraid he's going to break my heart.
The song: The Rose comes to mind when I think of me, us and how I deal with relationships in general, I'm afraid of living.
On lighter news, I have almost completed Marionette, I just have one las part to complete and then I can post, maybe before, on or after Christmas, yay!
Love ya guys for listening to my psyco rant, lol