Report 095 [Accidental Video]

Jan 24, 2011 00:01

[The sun is shining. The waves are splashing. People are enjoying themselves.

Everywhere but here.

Hitsugaya Toushirou is clothed in a loose tank top and shorts and is currently curled up on the floor next to the couch in the main room, glaring at Wind as the dog pants in front of him. Anyone near the house may have noticed a few pairs of clothes being hung out to dry that morning, but for those stuck with the recording, his cheeks and nose are rather pink and there are discolored bags under his eyes.

After several seconds of a staring match, Hitsugaya sneezes, forced into blinking as his whole body jumps with the movement. Wind wags his tail, tongue lolling happily.]

...Shut up.

*event: vamos a la playa, karma: he's learning it, safe inside my book fort, genius at work, i hate everyone, *event, back from being stupid, ice dragons don't do heat, don't wanna sleep on the roof no more, stupid ninjas jumping out stupid windows, tried to be a good hubby really, lookit my intimidating face, too cold to catch cold, never ask for help when it's needed, so not tired, obvious for some not so much for others, insomnia is for cool kids, !wind, secretly needs a break, down with the sickness, ice walls are fragile, one step away from domestic violence

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