Brittany S. Pierce (Blind!Puck verse)

Jul 16, 2011 13:57

Title: Brittany S. Pierce
Character(s)/Pairing: Brittany, Puck, Puck/Quinn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 474
Status: Complete
Notes/Warnings: A series of standalone one-shots following Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One).
Summary: It wasn't only Puck's life that changed after the accident. Everyone had their own reactions and their lives were impacted too. This is Brittany S. Pierce's story.

The Blind!Puck verse:
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One) II Deborah Puckerman II Mike Chang II Mercedes Jones II Rachel Berry II Kurt Hummel II Blaine Anderson II Tina Cohen-Chang II Artie Abrams

Brittany wasn’t stupid.

Yeah, she could admit that she wasn’t the brightest girl, but she knew what blind meant. She remembered the gentle way the other Glee kids had tried to explain it to her and her teary snap that she wasn’t six. That maybe Puck’s sister didn’t understand it, but she did.

She’d held Santana’s hand the entire time Puck was in the hospital and tried to comfort the Latina that kept wondering if this was somehow her fault.

“It’s not.”

She still wasn’t sure if Santana believed her.

Then Puck locked himself away and it seemed that much more real. He was hiding in the same room that, once upon a time, he’d tutored her in. She never would have passed freshman Math without him and his patience. He’d barely been pulling a B in the class, but he’d helped her as much as he could so she could stay on the Cheerios.

Math would be harder now that he couldn’t see the problems.

Everything would be harder.

She’d tried. Back before Finn dragged him out of his hide-out, she’d tried to get an idea of what he was going through. She took one of her dad’s old ties, tied it around her head, and tried to get around her house.

She almost fell down the stairs that day.

And she cried.

Cried for the boy that would never get out of that darkness.

Cried because she could just take the tie off and open her eyes, but Puck didn’t get that.

Cried because...because it was time to cry.

Getting up on stage, she’d put that tie back around her head and tried again, her arms stretched out and walking heel-toe-heel-toe for hours until she knew the stage perfectly. It felt weird to dance and not spot her spins. She never knew where she stopped. Felt that shot of fear every time she did and wondered if she’d take a step right off the stage.

She swore to herself that day as she stood under stage lights she couldn’t see that if Puck agreed to this, that she wouldn’t ever let him fall off.


She kept her word through every rehearsal. She and Mike choreographed the routines together now, making sure that Puck could do each one. They took turns with who wore the tie over their eyes, counting off steps carefully and shouting warnings every time the blindfolded one got within five feet of the edge.

When Sectionals came and Mercedes had dragged Quinn off to do her hair, Brittany stood next to Puck and put a hand on his arm.

“She looks pretty,” she said. “Mercedes is curling her hair and-”

“What are you doing?”

“Describing her. Just because you can’t see her doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know that she smiles every time she looks over here.”

The End

pairing: puck/quinn, fandom: glee, series: blind!puck verse, character: noah "puck" puckerman, character: brittany s. pierce

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