Title: Tina Cohen-Chang
Character(s)/Pairing: Tina, Puck, Mike some mentions of Mike/Tina and Puck/Quinn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 524
Status: Complete
Notes/Warnings: A series of standalone one-shots following
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One).
Summary: It wasn't only Puck's life that changed after the accident. Everyone had their own reactions and their lives were impacted too. This is Tina Cohen-Chang's story.
The Blind!Puck verse:
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One) II Deborah Puckerman II
Mike Chang II
Mercedes Jones II
Rachel Berry II
Kurt Hummel II
Blaine Anderson Darkness didn’t feel the same to her after Puck fell.
There had been a time that given the choice between blind or deaf, Tina would have chosen blind. Back then, she wouldn’t have minded being surrounded by darkness forever.
Now, she’d never say blind.
She never said deaf either, too scared that maybe that would curse another Glee member.
Mike told her it wasn’t her, that the idea that she’d cursed Puck somehow was insane, but she’d always had a creative imagination. Logically, she knew she had nothing to do with the accident, but that didn’t stop her from thinking it sometimes.
The dark scared her now. Not enough to make her throw away the clothes she loved, but enough that she’d put two more lamps in her room. Mike helped her repaint her walls, priming over the black until it was clear enough for them to cover it with a medium gray.
She didn’t tell anyone that for the first week after Puck’s accident, she slept with the lights on.
It was hard to watch him in the English class they shared. Cringed every time the teacher forgot and would call on Puck to read a passage. He always made a smart comment right back at Mrs. Carson, but she saw the way his fist clenched under the desk. She read the assignments to him softly, partnered together for the group exercises and worked as the scribe. Before this year, her notes had never been this detailed. Last year, she’d spent her English class doodling, content to cram before exams or just wing it. Now, she took the time to make sure she got every last bit of information. It was her notes that were translated into brail for Puck and it was her that would help him study before their midterm.
Kurt would meet them after English and guide Puck towards their Anatomy class, leaving her to watch after them. The kids in the hallway still parted like the Red Sea for him, but it wasn’t out of fear anymore. There was still the silent amazement at how far Puck had fallen, at the confidence even he couldn’t pretend he still had. His ego had taken a hard hit after the accident and now that he couldn’t see the gawkers to glare at them...it felt wrong.
She kind of doubted the weirdness would ever go away. There was a certain kind of wrongness to all of this. It’s Puck. He should be strutting down those halls like he always did, eyeing all the girls, but looking at Quinn like she was the only one that actually mattered. The fact that people had to take him by the arm now and lead him through the halls he used to own...the fact that he was being led by people like Kurt that he used to bully...it still made her stomach twist.
It brought to mind the episodes of Torchwood she and Mike would watch on occasion and the line Jack said about death. That there was nothing after it. Just darkness.
Part of her wondered if that meant Puck was already half-dead.
The End