Title: Blaine Anderson
Character(s)/Pairing: Blaine, Puck, some mentions of Blaine/Kurt and Puck/Quinn
Rating: PG
Word Count: 528
Status: Complete
Notes/Warnings: A series of standalone one-shots following
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One).
Summary: It wasn't only Puck's life that changed after the accident. Everyone had their own reactions and their lives were impacted too. This is Blaine Anderson's story.
The Blind!Puck verse:
Here In The Dark (Our Two Hearts Are One) II Deborah Puckerman II
Mike Chang II
Mercedes Jones II
Rachel Berry II
Kurt Hummel Blaine’s life didn’t really change.
He barely knew Puck. He’d barely spoken to him after he transferred to McKinley. Short conversations about Glee and one awkward conversation when he and Kurt first got together, but that was it.
“Finn is my bro and Kurt’s his brother now, so that makes him my bro too. So, break his heart and I’ll break your face.”
Sweet and threatening at the same time. He’d heard about juvie and fight club, though, so he didn’t doubt that Puck would do it.
And probably make it painful.
But he was a nice guy behind the crass attitude and he didn’t deserve what happened.
He’d felt kind of awkward, standing beside the rest of the Glee Club in the hospital waiting room. They knew Puck and they might not all have been exceptionally close, but they were friends on some level. They were a family and he was still a bit of an outsider. That feeling was still there somewhat the day they gathered at Rachel’s to watch Ice Castles and made a plan. It was still there as Finn dragged him and Kurt into the car and drove to the Puckerman house, everyone else trailing behind in their own vehicles.
The day of their first rehearsal since the accident, everyone had been tense. Puck stumbled once and he’d all but dove to catch the other teen’s arm and steady him. Everyone looked ready to have a coronary. Some looked like they were having second thoughts about all of this.
He was the only one that didn’t see Puck differently after he got hurt. Maybe because he hadn’t really known the other boy, but the rest of the Glee Club seemed to treat him like glass at times.
Blaine got the feeling that, if he could see them to do it, Puck would have punched them.
Well, the guys, that is. Puck had a code (or a fear of his mother, Blaine wasn’t sure) that kept him from hurting women.
Which wouldn’t save him if he ever told Puck that watching him stumble around on stage sometimes reminded him of his grandmother when her sight finally went.
He was never telling Puck he reminded him remotely of his Grannie Agatha.
What he hadn’t understood when the accident happened, though, was Quinn Fabray and the way she fell apart the second they realized Puck wasn’t getting up. Before Puck fell, those two spoke even less than he and Puck had.
Kurt explained it to him on the car ride home that day. The baby (“Beth,” Kurt specified. “Puck named her Beth.”). Everything that happened with Finn and Quinn, Puck and Quinn, Finn and Puck. The adoption. Shelby, Rachel’s birth mom.
Nine months of BabyGate in a single car ride.
He’d needed to take four Advil to get rid of the headache that talk caused.
After Puck got hurt, he’d watched Puck and Quinn grow closer and closer. Blaine figured it was the scare that gave them the push. When they got (back?) together, the entire club sighed a sigh of relief.
Santana had set up a betting pool.
Blaine won two-hundred bucks.
The End