May 06, 2005 13:18
You are...(looks)
[] tall
[x] in between
[] short
[] blonde
[] redhead
[] brunette
[x] black
[] blue-eyed
[x] brown-eyed
[] green-eyed
[] hazel eyed
[] gold eyed
[] gray eyed
[x] glasses
[] contacts
[] braces
[] freckles
[] piercing
[] tattoos
[] long hair
[x] short hair
[] med. hair
Your nationality includes...
[] Chinese
[] Indian
[] Taiwanese
[] Japanese
[] Hispanic
[x] Puerto Rican
[x] Italian
[] Scottish
[] Filipino
[] Dutch
[] French
[x] German
[x] Irish
[] Greek
[] Portuguese
[] polish
[] Korean
[] Jamaican
[] Canadian
[] Lithuanian
[] Native American
[] Russian
[] British
[] Danish
[] African
[] Scandinavian
[x] Armenian
[] Finish
[x] other
Your favorite color(s) are?
[x].blood red
[] pink
[] yellow
[x] black
[x] green
[x] blue
[] white
[] silver
[] purple
[] brown
[] orange
Some sports/physical things you have done?
[] Soccer
[] cheerleading
[] dancing
[] lacrosse
[] field hockey
[] hockey
[x] football
[] softball
[] wrestling
[] gymnastics
[] track/cross country
[] basketball
[] baseball
[] golf
[x] playing in the mud
[] playing music
[x] hiking
[] kayaking
[x] camping
[] horseback riding
[] marching band
[x] good ole' fashion sex!!!!!
Your personality is sometimes...
[] Annoying
[] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[] bubbly
[] spazzy
[x] fun loving
[] laid back
[] strict
[] hyper
[x] weird
the music you like is?
[] Rap
[x] rock
[x] pop
[] country
[] hip hop
[] r&b
[] slow jams
[] Christian
[x] classical
[x] techno
[] oldies
[] the 80s
[x] punk
[x] Metal
[] reggae
[x] Goth
[] Latin
[x] 90's Grunge
[] musicals
The pets you have are?
[X] Cat
[] dog
[] lizard
[] rat
[] ferret
[] rabbit
[] fish
[] Birds
[x] other
Clothes you like to wear are?
[x] Plain t-shirts
[] sweatshirts
[] stockings
[] high heels
[x] boots
[x] sneakers
[x] jeans
[x] pj pants
[x] boxers
[] underwear
[ ] dresses
[] mini skirts
[ ] long skirts
[x] watches
[x] necklace
How do you like to wear your hair?
[] Down
[] ponytail
[] pigtails
[] messy bun
[] half ponytail
[] scrunched/curly
[] bun
[] crimped
[x] with a bandana
[] French braids (for basketball)
[] lots of little braids (for basketball)
[] Gel
[x] hat
[] messy hot guy hair
[] sex hair
[] Mohawk...a fake Mohawk
You're mostly labeled as?
[x] Goth
[] emo
[] prep
[] punk
[] hippie
[] nerd
[] ditzy
[] hyper
[] happy
[] everything
[] I hate labels! I'm just me!!!
[] i have no idea
You eat?
[] dessert every night
[] no meat - well no red meat.
[x] diet stuff (diet coke!)
[] Healthy foods
[x] junk foods
[] lots of meat
[x] salad
[] seafood
[] Mountain Dew
A typical Friday night...
[x] mall with your friends
[] partying
[x] watching movies
[] going to the club
[x] staying home
[] babysitting and getting $$
[x] hanging out w/ my friends
[x] hanging out w/ your boyfriend/girlfriend
[] working while your friends are out having fun
Currently you are...
[] In a relationship
[] single and loving it
[] crushing...(no such bout it)
[x] single and looking for someone
[] just broke up... and so sad about it
Online, you use:
[x] lol
[x] sup
[] =D
[] lmao
[] stfu
[] ty
[] j/k
[] ttyl
[] g2g
[] ^^
[] T_T
[] x_x
[] ^_^
Did you like this survey?
[x] yeah
[] no!
[] it was ok
[] it was something to do
[]it made my life
HAVE YOU EVER..........
. Kissed your cousin: yes
. Ran away: ya
. Broken someone’s heart: yes
. Been in love: yes
. Cried when some one died: yes
. Wanted someone you know you can’t have: yes
. Broke a bone: lot’s of times
. Drank alcohol: yes
. Lied: Yeah
. Cried in school: yeah
. Coke or Pepsi: coke
. Sprite or 7-up: sprite
. Girls or guys: girls
. Flowers or candy: Flowers
. Scruff or clean-shaven: clean-shaven
. Quiet or loud: in between
. Blondes or brunettes: I don't care
.Tall or short: Tall
.Pants or shorts: Pants
.What do u notice first: Smile
.What’s the worst question 2 ask: what'd you say?
THE LAST TIME.............
.Showered: this morning
. Had sex: whating for the that someone
. Had a great time with the opposite sex: about 20 min. ago
. Your good luck charm: don’t know
. Person u hate the most: not going there
. The best thing that has happened to you? Falling in love with someone
. Color: black
. Movie: hellrazer
. Subject: g.e.d
. Juice: grape
. Cars: moterbike
. Ice cream: chocolate
. Breakfast: pizza
.Makes u laugh the most: my friend M.B
. Makes u smile: my friend M.B
. Can make u feel better no matter what M.B
.Has a crush on u? DON’T KNOW
. Do u have a crush on A GOOD FRIEND
. Gives u a VERY GOOD feeling when u c them: M.B
. DO YOU EVER.................
. Sit by the phone waiting for someone to call all night: yeah
. Save e-mails: only the important ones
. Wish u were sum one else: sometimes eveey day of my life
. Wish u were a member of the opposite sex: nope!
HAVE YOU...............
Fallen in love with your best friend: ya and asked her to marry
. Made out with just a friend: yeah
. Been in love: yes
. Used someone: nope
. Been used: lots of times in life
. Cheated on someone: NO
. Been cheated on: yeah...
. Done something u regret: YA
. U touched:
. U talked to:m.b mom
. U hugged NO ONE
. U yelled at: SOME ASS HOLE
. U kissed: NO ONE
. U laughed with: NO ONE
. Who broke your heart MY X GIRLFRIEND
. Who told u they loved u: NO ONE FOR A LONG TIME
. Color your hair: NO
. Have tattoos: not yet
. Have piercing: NOT YET
. Have a girlfriend/boyfriend/both: LOOKING FOR ONE GIRLFRIEND
. Own a web cam: no
. Quack: Quack...DUCKY!!!!
ARE YOU.......
. Obsessive: ABOUT MY GAMES
. Compulsive: no
. Obsessive compulsive: PC GAMES
. Depressed: sometimes
. Suicidal: ya sometimes life suck ass