Love Takes Time (ch. 4)

Dec 05, 2012 21:34

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. XD Sorry, I don't. Otherwise Mickey/Martha would not have been thrown in outta no-where. shakes
fist at RTD.

Chapter 4

Her hair hung loose, her clothing consisted of an oversized blue shirt and gray sweatpants. The Medical Chief of UNIT stood in her kitchen pouring hot water into a mug. Martha barely sipped her hot chocolate before an odd wind filled her living room. In the space reserved for a certain Time Lord, a blue box materialized with its usual unearthly sound. Dark brown eyes narrowed at the papers that flew around before landing in other places. “Arriving like a normal person via the door...too much to ask.” She muttered to herself.

She was still torn over whether to be happy or to strangle the alien for painting her flat (or the changes to her furniture). UNIT had sent her on a mission, that took a week to solve, in New Zealand. So, she returned home only to find her living room the same shade of teal as her old flat.

The couch had been replaced with a longer one (no doubt to accommodate the long frame of a certain Time Lord).

Her bedroom the same color as the TARDIS' Time Motor.

Her mattress softer than the one she had bought.

And an alien with paint in his hair working in her bathroom.

It screamed of a domesticated alien and she didn't know what to do. Part of her hoped whatever was bothering the Doctor would work its way out of his system soon.


The door to the TARDIS opened and there stood the Last of the Time Lords.In a blue pinstripe suit with maroon high-top converse. He carried his brown longcoat on one arm and was looking at Martha with a grin. A grin that faded when he saw her state of dress, “You aren't going out dressed like that are you?” He pouted a bit, “I mean humans get cold easily and I don't want you to get sick.”

“What are you talking about Time Lord?” Martha replied with a raised eyebrow before sipping her hot chocolate. Not as great as she would've hoped. Ah, well...maybe she should add more marshmallows?

The Doctor ran his free hand through his hair. “Blimey, I didn't forget...did I?” He tugged on his hair. “No, no, this is the right date.” He replied to himself after looking around her living room. Everything was in the order he had left it- pictures of the Joneses in frames on the bookcase, side tables and on top of the telly, no plants around (Martha wasn't home often enough for them), a picture of Martha and himself from 1969 (their wedding photo to be exact), a few more pictures of them together...even one of them with Jack, another with Donna and even one from Sarah Jane's ruined wedding-attempt.

“Right date for what?” Martha asked. She could tell he was about to ramble to himself and she did worry about all that talking he did to himself. Not that she could talk. She had a thing for talking to herself as well, mostly because she probably would never repeated herself out loud, out of fear of hurting someone's feelings.

“I did ask you didn't I?” His dark brown eyes stared at her. Then they widen, “Oh. Right. The painting and furniture...still mad over that?”

Martha sat her mug down and looked at him. In response, she raised an eyebrow. “Doctor.” Her tone was a warning one.

“Right, did you want to see 'Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince'? I mean it hasn't come out yet, but we can still see it. The rings of Saturn cinema-plex.” He looked at her earnestly, “I figured its relatively safe from hostile aliens.”

Martha stared at him. “You,” she emphasized her point by pointing at him, “want to take me to see Harry Potter?” The Doctor fidgeted before nodding.

“I didn't think...” His hearts sank. It was a stupid idea, all of time and space...and he offers-

“Sounds great!” Martha replied as he started speaking. The Doctor felt both his hearts start beating again. Martha Jones was going to be the death of him. “I was going to watch the third movie again, but now...”

A grin spread across his face. “Well Martha Jones, are you going like that?” She looked down at her clothes, before rolling her eyes at him. “I've got no problem with it. Though you might want a pair of trainers.”

“Shush you.” Martha replied as she left the island bar in the kitchen and walked towards the hallway leading to her bedroom. “I'll be ready in half an hour.”

Half an hour, the Doctor nodded determinedly. He let Martha disappear and then he went back into the TARDIS. If he were a few centuries younger, he might have done a little dance because Martha Jones was going out with him. Who was he kidding? The wicked grin across his face as he bounced around his lovely console room.

“This is going to be great. I'm going to get her back and it'll be brilliant. You love her don't you Old Girl?” It was one of the few explanations he could come up with for his ship using Martha as an avatar when he lost his memories after being attacked. It was one his ship agreed with, even after she took Susan's form and spoke with him.

He really had no intention of traveling with a new companion.

And he hadn't lied.

He was just going after an old one.


Martha reappeared dressed in a pair of blue jeans, with black ankle length heeled boots, black shirt with the Ravenclaw logo, a gray pea-coat with a very familiar looking scarf (blue and dark grey with the emblem of a raven). Her hair was combed down with a black beanie on the top of her head. In her coat pocket were her black leather gloves that easily matched the big round buttons on the front of her outerwear. “Doctor?” The British woman poked her head into the TARDIS using her key. “Doctor?”

Looking around the console room, Martha moved about not seeing a spiky haired alien. “How do you disappear in your own ship?” She paused and then sighed. The Doctor couldn't have ran into trouble in his own ship could he? (Who was she kidding? That man could have ended up being strangled by rouge bedsheets or something.) Or maybe he changed his mind?

“Maartha!” The Doctor exclaimed as bound into the room, his brainy specs on. On his head sat a green and silver stripped beanie with the emblem of a snake. He paused and then pouted at her. “Where's your hat? And I mean the Ravenclaw one you got for your birthday.”

Martha cocked her eyebrow. “I've got my scarf.”

“Me too!” He replied showing a Slytherin scarf. “The old girl refused to give me Gryffindor stuff. I don't know why...” The Time Lord had changed out of his pinstripe suit. Instead he wore black trousers, green converse trainers, a black shirt with the Slytherin logo in green and a black suit jacket with his Slytherin scarf.

Martha chuckled, “She knows you aren't a Gryffindor.”

“Oi! I am just as brave and genius as Hermione.” The Doctor claimed as he tugged on his black suit jacket.

“Hermione doesn't fail exams.” Martha teased. The Doctor paused and then shrugged. His expression was slightly pouty. “And she likes rules.” The Doctor mock-glared at her.

“Where's your beanie?” He retorted switching subjects.

“You really want me to wear it?”

The Doctor sent her a 'what-do-you-think' look. Rolling her eyes, Martha pulled her black beanie off and left the ship.

The things she did for the silly Time Lord.


The theater's sitting wasn't normal sitting, instead it was more like futon couch beds meant for couples. Martha didn't comment as she pulled a snack pack from the Doctor's full arms. Oh, the lanky framed alien was talking her ear off. He was explaining about the theater's founding, a few of the customs and the workers.

It was simply fascinating. Martha pulled the tray area out after she sank into the seat. The Doctor did the same as previous played on the giant screen in front of them. By Martha's account they were the only humanoid looking beings in the theater.

There was a couple that had tentacles a seat over from them. A few rows ahead of them were a couple of Zygons...? That threw Martha for a loop. Then there were cat people sitting ahead of the Zygons. There were blue aliens with antennas for ears sitting to the left of Martha. It looked like a group of them and if Martha had to guess she'd think they were teenagers. Or the alien equivalent of teenagers.

“Done staring?” The Doctor asked, “We look just as odd to them.”

“I shouldn't be surprised, but aliens loving Harry Potter? Don't think Rowling had that in mind.” Martha stated with a small smile. Most humans weren't going to be aware of the things aliens would come to enjoy from their culture.

The Doctor arched a bushy brown eyebrow, “You think this is something? You should have seen when Agatha Christie books were turned into films.”

Martha turned to ask about that when the lights when dark. The human woman relaxed into her seat...well tried to.

The Doctor was playing with a remote that caused the bottom of the seat [where their legs rested against] to raise up and down. And then the seat's massage function was turned on.

Martha silently vowed the next movie they saw would be on Earth. “Doctor!” She hissed at him. He turned to her with large brown eyes, trying [and failing] to look innocently at her. Holding her hand out, Martha took the remote from the alien.

He was such a large child sometimes.

Half-way through the movie, the Doctor slide his arm around her. His attempt to steal the remote back ended when Martha popped his hand like he was a naughty toddler.

Martha grinned when she saw Luna and Harry walking to Slughorn's party. She really thought they were cute together. That's what character the Doctor was...he was Luna. The eccentric, lonely Time Lord that thought of magnificent and crazy ideas. And Luna- the lonely, eccentric witch that used her imagination and oddness to connect with the Boy-Who-Lived.


“Oh, that wasn't so bad. Not as good as I thought...” Martha critiqued as she and the Doctor walked hand in hand to some restaurant nearby. “Then again that book wasn't all that great either. I still think the romance between Harry and Ginny is rushed. And the fact they just happen to study love potions when he started noticing her?”

The Doctor chuckled, “Wait til you get to book seven.” Martha was really going to hate the epilogue, he thought.

“Oh no,” Martha muttered in despair, “you cried. That means I'm going to be brawling like a baby.” Martha stopped and stepped in front of the Doctor. She let go of his hand to grab his lapels, the small woman shook the taller alien (well attempted to), “Who dies? It was a Weasley wasn't it? Voldemort would kill one of them since they're close to Harry. Tell me none of the Weasleys die!”

A grin crossed the Time Lord's face. “Spoilers.” Ah, that phrase from that strange woman back in the library. He hated it, but teasing Martha was a good use of it.

“Spoilers!” Martha mocked before crossing her arms and staring him down. “You, you...”

“Genius man?” The Doctor suggested with a grin. “Handsome Time Lord?”

“You obnoxious alien!”

The Doctor pouted, “I liked my answers better.” Martha huffed before grabbing the Doctor's hand and setting off in their previous direction. “Honestly, Doctor Jones you're so mean to me.”

“And you aren't mean to me?”

“Well,” He stretched the word out, “not on purpose!” He squeezed her hand reassuringly.

The dark skinned beauty rolled her eyes. “Isn't that the truth?” Martha muttered to herself after turning her head away from the Time Lord.


Hoshi: Hello! Thanks for the reviews! Right let's see...I've made areference to the comic, 'The Forgotten' by Tony Lee. The Tenth Doctor is attacked shortly after Journey's End and loses his memory. TheTARDIS takes the Doctor's mind/conscious into herself and uses Martha's form to help him recover his memory AND defeat the bad guy [though the TARDIS did take on the forms of a few other classic companions during the battle].

Other than that, a reference to Harry Potter. Very obvious. And the movie/book do not belong to me. They're owned by Warner Brothers and JK Rowling.

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