Love Takes Time (ch. 2)

Oct 30, 2012 14:52

Summary: The Doctor is confused. Martha's reassured she's right. And the TARDIS just wants Time Tots from her doctors. It would be better if Martha didn't think of them as just friends. And it would probably help the Doctor if he mentioned his intentions to his former companion. Doctor/Martha

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. XD Sorry, I don't. Otherwise Mickey/Martha would not have been thrown in outta no-where. shakes fist at RTD.

Rating: PG-13

Chapter: 2

[chapter 2]

Martha pushed the Doctor's feet off her coffee table for the umpteenth time and sat the tray she had been balancing down (a skill from 1913). That man never learned. “Maaaartha!” And there he went, whining her name out like that. What did he want from her? She was trying to be a good friend to him.

Hell, he had privileges she'd never give to her other male friends. The silly alien shouldn't receive special treatment, but he needed someone to ground him. To keep him from doing something stupid like believing he was a god. She starved off his loneliness, and as much as she hated being used, it was the right thing to do. The universe survived better if its protector's ego was poked on occasion. “Dooooctor!” She whined back to annoy him.

Martha's lips twitched into a smile as she sat on the couch beside the Doctor. They were in her living room and the telly was turned on, along with the DVD player. “We could always go watch the movie in theaters.” The Time Lord informed her. “You know, being a Time Lord with a ship that travels through time? Any of this ringing a bell?” He asked with a raised eyebrow and cocky grin. Martha rolled her eyes as he attempted to get her on board the TARDIS again.

That was the thing. And there was a thing. A very confusing thing really. Martha knew they were just friends. Last time they parted, after Earth had been stolen, that was really the last she had expected to see of him. Or if she saw him again, she expected Rose, Donna and his twin to be around. Not him, by himself, nearly getting himself killed. Or offering to take her places every time he dropped by. “Get over yourself. I'm perfectly content to watch this movie on my couch. Even more content to watch it by myself if a certain alien decides to talk through the movie.”

His jaw dropped and Martha couldn't help, but laugh. “You're kicking me out?” He was pouting and Martha laughed harder.

“Only if you start talking during the movie. I really want to see Iron Man.” Martha sighed softly as she looked at Robert Downy Junior. He was such a sexy American.

The Doctor shot the DVD case an annoyed look. He resisted the urge to break Martha's DVD player with his sonic screwdriver. She'd kill him for that and then kick him out.

He was really starting to hate male apes.

Why was Martha Jones not sending him those kind of looks?

They were courting, well dating as humans say.

Martha picked up the remote and grabbed a pillow. “If you start naming any technological improbabilities or inaccuracies like you did with Star Trek, I'll murder you.” She shot him a warning glare that caused him to raise his hands in mock surrender.

“So, you want a human that wears tons of armor? Not to mention is an obviously rich, playboy? That's your type?” The Doctor asked as he removed his brown pinstripe suit jacket and laid it on the arm rest beside him. He then rolled the cuffs on his dark blue shirt up.

Martha smiled, “He saves my planet. Fictional or not. And he's a genius. The good looks are a bonus.” Then she started to play the movie, leaving the Time Lord to his thoughts.

He saved Earth all the time.

He was considered a genius.

What was he doing wrong?

The Doctor wasn't human and he shouldn't feel this way about another human woman. Why were they his weakness? Of course, he couldn't blame Martha for not thinking of him that way. When she fancied him, he never paid her attention. He had made sure she knew that she was nothing more than a friend. Now he fancied her and she paid him no attention. Irony at its finest really.

The universe really enjoyed screwing with him.


Martha was curled up on the other end of the couch asleep. His dark brown eyes looked over her with concern before dismissing it. She could easily be tired from earlier. Monica probably hadn't shown her co-worker any kind of mercy during the earlier shopping trip they'd taken together. Martha Jones had no love of shopping or fashion. He remembered how she had been amused while being arrested for wearing her jeans in Edinburgh. He hadn't seen the humor, but Martha had enjoyed it. The Doctor wondered if she had told Tish about that incident.

It had been his fault for not remembering earlier and telling Martha to change.

Frowning, he stood up. The petite woman was such a powerhouse and you would never know until you got to know her (or ended up on the wrong side of her). He wondered, for a moment, how many of UNITs soldiers had underestimated her before being proven that she was more than a pretty face. “Well then Martha Jones, bed.” The sleeping woman twitched, but didn't wake up. An improvement in his opinion. When they first shared a bed a few months ago, she always woke up when he spoke to her (which was often as he didn't mind talking in this body).

Something she had picked up during that Year. Another thing that she shouldn't have went through alone.

Why was he trying to court this woman again?

All she did was end up hurt because of him.

He didn't deserve a woman like Martha Jones.

Oh, but he was a selfish man and he wanted her. Always had if he was honest with himself.

Ah well, time to move her to bed. The Doctor debated, after carefully lifting and carrying Martha to her bed, whether or not to clean up before he left. Pouting, he decided it wouldn't hurt to do the washing up before taking off. He did have all the time in the universe.


Martha Jones sipped her tea (a little milk, no sugar) as she sat in her office completing paperwork. She hated paperwork and made sure all of it was completed first thing. After paperwork, she got to visit the Medical Wing and check on patients before being whisked off to exam the work of several UNIT scientists. Martha, wasn't sure why they thought she was the best person for the job.

She only traveled with an eccentric Time Lord.

And thinking of him, he was being weird. Well, weirder than usual. She hoped he picked up another companion soon. He really shouldn't wonder around on his own. A part of her mind thought he was spending time with her because he liked her. She squished it with memories of his previous actions, he was with her because he was alone.

A new companion and it would be 'Martha who?'

Then she could perhaps look into restarting her love life without worrying a certain Time Lord will disrupt it. Who was she kidding?

She wasn't interested in dating anymore.

And she certainly didn't want the Time Lord to just forget about her.

Waiting around for the Time Lord might not have bothered Sarah Jane (much), but Martha didn't want that. She didn't want to end up alone, constantly fighting alien threats. And she wasn't the type to wait around for something that would never happen during her lifetime.

“Why don't Time Lords come with manuals?” She mumbled to herself. Then she'd know what to do with the one that took to occupying her house randomly every other day. He had even done the washing up the night before. That convinced Martha that her dear friend needed a new companion or at least a new love interest to travel with him.

He was starting to become domesticated.

And it made her just the tiniest bit uncomfortable.


Hoshi/Ice: Martha's adventure to Edinburgh with the Doctor takes places in the novel “The Many Hands” by Dale Smith. The Doctor actually had a good quote there, “There's always someone to tell you the previous one was better, doesn't mean they're right.” Completely summoned up the Rose/Doctor/Martha dynamic. The Doctor makes it seem like Rose is better, but in reality Martha truly is the stronger companion. Or is equal to Rose (depending on your view, mine's the former). I just wish the moron had told Martha that...

martha jones, smith and jones, doctor who

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