More Heroes stuff

Oct 14, 2008 08:03

We got back from Sarnia on Monday afternoon, and promptly went for turkey dinner number three at my in-laws. Luckily, we were back at home relatively early, so there was no danger of missing Heroes. Today, I shall talk about Heroes again. Last night's episode was fucking killer, so here it goes after the jump...

Last night's episode was epic, I don't even know where to start. I will start by saying that I think it's really cool that they are blurring the previously clear cut line between 'Good Guy' and 'Bad Guy'. I mean, someone new to the series, and just watching last night, might think that Peter has always been a villain and Sylar a hero... right?

Here's some commentary:

Linderman: I swear to christ that I turned to my wife and said, "I'll bet Linderman is Parkman's father", as soon it was revealed that he could only be seen by Nathan Petrelli.

Peter: You KNOW he's still going to conquer that hunger. I kind of hoped he would have done more damage to his mother though.

Clare: I think we are about to see a distinct shift from the happy cheerleader into something completely different within the next two episodes. Pretty much every ideal she's ever held about her life, good and evil have been shattered. I suspect that she will kill the puppet master type character who is currently holding her biological mother captive.

Vortex Guy: I actually liked that guy. Oh well.

Angela Petrelli: She's having a really bad day, LOL. As soon as she had that dream with that ring, I knew it was Mister Petrelli, coming back.

Hiro: As soon as he stabbed Ando in the gut, my wife looked at me with this really hurt look in her eyes. It's got to be a trick, even if Ando did give Hiro the old HADOKEN in the future.

Daphne: I don't know if I like her yet.

Suresh: Let me know what you all think, but I'm not really getting into his storyline. I think the whole Spider/Fly/Bug thing is a little played out, and I can't see where they are going to take him.

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