An excerpt from Ash's Dr. Badass's translation of
The Big Book of Heaven
First Circle
Vilon (Curtain)
- governed by the Archangel Gabriel
- the closest of the Heavenly Realms on Earth
- location of Castiel's original garrison, stationed there to watch over humanity.
Second Circle
Raki'a (Firmament)
- governed by the Archangel Raphael and managed by Zachariah
- Heaven's prisons, the location of all indoctrination
- Naomi's office was located here.
- one of the locations where Lucifer's Cage is anchored.
Third Circle
Shehaqim (Clouds)
- governed by Gadreel an angel whose name has been struck out since the first temptation of man, managed by Anahel (dimunitive: Anna)
- the mortal's realm in the afterlife.
- the central home of both the Garden and the Tree of Life.
- the visitation deck of Lucifer's Cage is located in its outskirts
- Azrael's garrison is located here.
Fourth Circle
Zebhul (Lofty Dwelling)
- governed by the Archangel Michael
- contains the Temple and the Altar
- the location where all prayers to God are offered
Fifth Heaven
Makhon (Residence)
- governed by Samael (sometimes named Azrael), a dark servant of The Lord, who takes the soul from the Reapers, and is the only angel who could hold a soul without marking it.
- contains the vault in the sky, the seat of all the angels
- contains the place of worship, of ishim who sing by night and are silent by day
Sixth Heaven
Ma'on (Dwelling)
- governed by Sachiel
- home of the Irin Kadishin, the holy watchers
- location of the Treasury of Merits, where God observes and credits suffering and hardship in preparation for the seventh doorway.
Seventh Heaven
Aravoth (Highest Heaven)
- governed by the Caretaker of the Throne, believed to be lost or a myth by most. It is attended by all archangels.
- holiest of all heavens
- contains the Throne if Glory, underneath the Throne is the Repository of Souls.
- home of the cherubim, the seraphim and the hayyoth
Other Notable Places in Heaven:
The Throne of Glory - or simply, the Throne. God's Heavenly seat in Aravoth, where He presides
Rivers of Rigyon - Rivers of Fire in Aravoth, where all angels are made, where angels die and the righteous are tested and purified
The Tree of Life -also known as the Tree of Souls. (cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, columna cerului, center of the world, world tree) Is present in all spheres of Heaven, but was primarily built in the Garden of Eden on Shehaqim and where all spheres of Heaven were anchored.
Lucifer's Cage - or simply, the Cage. Was the reason why Heaven was broken into pieces, so that the Cage will be self-contained and could be present in two spheres. Contains 666 seals, only sixty-six of which need to be broken for its prisoners to be released. Present in Hell, Heaven, Earth and Purgatory although can only be easily accessible in Heaven as it is in the deepest darkest part of the ninth circle of Hell.
Composed of three circles, each circle with three orders
First Circle
- the ministers/messengers
- they oversee humanity
1. Principalities
2. Archangels
3. Malakhim
Second Circle
- "celestial"/ governors
- they are concerned with heavens and the stars/nature and the angels
1. Dominions
2. Virtues
3. Powers
Third circle
- the intellectual sphere/ counselors
- they are concerned with the worship of God
1. Seraphim
2. Cherubim
3. Thrones
- guardians to God's Throne
- known angels under this hierarchy: Zachariah, The archangels excepting Lucifer, Castiel after his second death
- guardians of the Tree of Life, God's record keeper
- known as cupid in the human's vernacular
- cupids in charge of love are of the third class.
- known angels under this hierarchy: Lucifer (first class), Gadreel (second class), Metatron
Thrones/Ophanim/Bene Elohim
- carries God's throne
- military, political, economic concerns
- known angels under this hierarchy
- oversees angels of the lower orders, they are angels of leadership and assign duties to all other angels and carry the commands of God
- known angels under this hierarchy: Naomi
- inspires mankind, equal in power to the principalities
- they are involved with those who struggle with their faith
- known angels under this hierarchy: Joshua
- keepers of history and bearers of conscience, warrior angels who are completely loyal to God
- concerned with births and deaths
- oversees the distribution of power on earth, and the first order created by God to prevent fallens angels from taking over the earth
- known angels under this hierarchy: Leilah, Gabriel, Michael
- keepers of the nations
- known angels under this hierarchy: Michael
- administrators to other heavenly beings
- guardians to the leaders of the world and prophets
- commands God's Host
- known angels under this hierarchy: Michael, Raphael, Lucifer, Gabriel
- envoys between Heaven and earth
- celestial being closest to humans
- known angels under this hierarchy: Castiel, Ion, Rachel, Samandiriel
Flight - an eyrie unit, a group of seven angels, informally called "seven" or "proper seven"
Garrison - ten flights, a complete soldier unit.
- represents all orders needed for a specific deployment, led by a captain who oversees other garrisons deployed under him.
Host - the collective angels, complete in all hierarchies and rankings with the archistrategos at its helm.
Mazzaloth - the largest tactical unit of the host, which has 30 chiefs, each chief with 30 legions, each legions with 30 leaders, each leaders with 30 captains, each captain with 365,000 stars
Star - (informal/allegorical) angel