This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and than pass out letters to those who want to play along.
whos_botj gave me the letter N.
1.North: Where I am from and where I am going back to. Can't stand the southern part of the US.
2.News: Something that I have to watch because I have 3 family members that are in Iraq at the moment and I refuse to not know what is going on.
3.Night: The only time of day that I am able to find some kind of peace.
4.Neverland: A place that I honestly wish I could go right now. I want to get away from growing up for a little while.
5.North Carolina: My current location. I also refer to it as hell. I hate it here and I just want to go home.
6.Nightmare: Something that I have been dealing with for almost 2 months. Sad when a 20 year old has them.
7.Nature: My sanctuary. If I could get lost in a forest, I would be so happy at the moment.
8.Nausea: Something else that I have been dealing with for almost 2 months.
9.Nirvana: Since I am studing Asian Religions, I should want to find that kind of peace in my life.
10.Numb: How I feel right now. I am just completely shut down and I have no clue how to fix it.