The NYC trip

Feb 23, 2009 18:46

So I figured that I would update this with what I actually did this past weekend in New York City.

We left Thursday and took a ferry from Delaware to New Jersey. We stayed at the Double Tree in Time Square. The first night we basically wandered around Time Square. I got pictures of some of the billboards for shows.

Friday: We went to Central Park. I loved it! We went to the zoo (of course I was happy because they have penguins). I found the Balto statue (he is the reason that they run the Iditarod race in Alaska). We also got to see some of the Museum of Natural History. Yay for dinosaurs and the Big Bang. That was also the night that we got to see NYPD in riot gear as a result of the NYU riots. Stupid college kids.

Saturday we went to the flagship of Lane Bryant. I got a new pair of shoes from Payless. Yay for BoGo sales.  We then headed to the Empire State Building (which was right across the street from Lane Bryant). That was fun. We ended up at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. for dinner. It was hilarious. They have sign for when you need a waiter to stop or when you don't need one.

Sunday was check out. We went to Wall Street. I got to see Ground Zero. Not a good moment for me. I have pictures on here of the mural that is on the wall of Engine 10. Their house is directly across the street from the World Trade Center. They were the first on the scene and lost 5 guys. The front of their engine says "Still standing". We went to Battery Park so that the kids could at least see the Statue of Liberty in the bay. That is where the scultpure that used to stand in the World Trade Center plaza is being housed. It looks nothing like what I grew up seeing in pictures. We drove back through New Jersey and ended up stopping in Atlantic City. I got to eat at a Rain Forrest Cafe for the first time. Quite interesting I must say.

Me on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building.

Below is a mural that was on the outside wall of Fire Engine Company 10. Their house is literally across the street from Ground Zero. They lost 5 guys on 9/11. The bottom of the mural has names of all 343 fire fighters that died on 9/11.

This is the sculpture that stood in the World Trade Center plaza for 30 years. 9/11/2002 the current scultpure was moved to Battery Park with an eternal flame in front of it.

"We may be damaged, but we will never forget.".

pictures, travel, nyc

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