BIG Blowout Post!

Oct 20, 2007 08:59

3 - Dir en grey headers
2 - Dir en grey FO Banners
1 - stock header
1 - fashion header
1 - Light Texture set
1 - Aki from SID icon
1 - Aoi from The GazettE icon
17 - Special Request Graphics!

"What's with the party?" you might ask?

Someone's just turned 21. Which also explains the new layout for ice_cubed. :P


This was done after I got myself addicted to Hugh Grant's "Pop Goes my Heart!" and one day, I was sitting in front of my PC and Lol'd at the idea of this header and so did it.

The following two are supposed to be my headers + FO banners for my personal LJ but I managed to whip up another header that I thought was kinda cool so they kinda got delayed in the release. I normally don't share headers or FO banners that I will use for my personal LJ but seeing as I might not end up using these in a very long time...yeah.

These were done using my Yokan Icon Set.

This banner was inspired by Origa's "Baby Alone in Babylon" though more particularly the lines "You are looking for your role/In rock n' roll and dance studios/Lights are attracting so much/You go by the path of Monro/You stress for a minute/Tear and Splash/Your Los Angeles". The reason why this is a stock header is because every image used in the header are stock images.

I used an image I got from foto_decadent which is how it became a fashion header. It's a very simple header but I sort of like its blank, silent, still feel.


There's a story to this: on Oct. 17, I decided to open a request post in direngrey_fotos which, as some/most of you might know, is a community I am rather active in. And so I thought, if I would do gifts for my Dir viewers in celebration of my birthday, I should do one for the non-Dir viewers, too. I'd meant for it to be a big icon set made out of the photography of Eugenio Recuenco but I shifted to stock icons and then I remembered these stocks I had so I turned them to icon textures. :) I hope you find use with them.

Download *.zip


dammitliz is to blame for the both of this. :P But first, Aoi's icon actually is the very first, non-Dir-but-J-rock icon I have done for some time and I thought it was a bit of a step for me. This is an old icon, yes, and came out when she showed me Aoi's "Burial Applicant" pictorial and I thought he looked like a princess there. As for the second one -- that has to do with an entry of Aki in his blog (these new rockers have blogs, all of them. O.o) which came nicely just when I was squee-ing over Hoothoot. >.>;; So yeah.

Now this is the one I was talking about. Afternoon of Oct. 17, I posted this entry and in a nutshell: I accepted graphic requests from the community members who will give me a maximum of three of their favorite Dir en grey images. I was able to finish said requests within two days (brain bleeding involved) and I must say, I am quite happy with how everything turned out. :) Now just a note, I still have the *.psd files of all of these graphics (save for two icons) so if you (requesters only) want any modifications, we can still work it out. :)

for bl4ckm4lice;

bl4ckm4lice requested for a 1024x768 wallpaper out of one image she provided. This was actually the first wallpaper I've done for the entire set of requests and has probably set the mood on the rest of my graphics. I'm sorry bl4ckm4lice if his hair looks sort of retarded, it was quite difficult for me. x.o;; And yes, I cloned the mic stand out, it was bothersome.

The part I loooved the most in this wallpaper is the city with all those ickle!Toshiyas on the buildings. XD It's like, they're screaming, "DOMINATION" in such little voices and I was sooo, so amused with putting them up there. Also changing Tokyo to Toshiya was fun...I don't know why, it just was.

for cadkitten;

cadkitten actually provided me with four images but I decided to just pick out three because well, that's the rule. :P First off, the wallpaper. I love how the wallpaper turned out. It reminded me of perhaps a two-page image that Time Magazine would use and it also reminded me of those Hong Kong street markets which I love so much...night life basically. It's rather simple, perhaps, but I love the edge and the statement that it has. As for the other two graphics, she actually requested both to either be an FO banner or an icon so I just decided to make one of each. XD;; (This is one icon I don't have the *.psd for, by the way.)

for filthnthebeauty;

filthnthebeauty was actually the last person to make a special request and she has a very lovely Sephiroth icon. XD But I must apologize to filthnthebeauty because I wasn't able to turn everything into wallpapers. x.o;; The image in the icon is too small and too low-quality for me to try and turn to a wallpaper so I resulted to an icon, I'm sorry. x_x;;

My personal highlights on making her graphics were the 'Dir en grey' text in the first wallpaper and Kaoru's side on the second wallpaper. The 'Dir en grey' in the first wallpaper was actually supposed to say something like 'Ain't no hollaback boyz' but when I hit the pink hue, I remembered Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette" and decided to use that as an inspiration for the text. XD;; I had so much fun doing that.

As for the second wallpaper, that one actually took some time before it finished because the text first read as 'LEADER' but I couldn't get the wallpaper to cry out that he is the leader of the band. So I sort of just went, "oh fuck it!" and saved the graphic then went and fetched the hanging. That was where I decided to change 'LEADER' to 'KAORU' and then I thought I could play with it more -- which is how the moon and the clouds and the 'Ganso Naki Kaoruya' -- his article in Haiiro no Ginka -- came about. The clouds are actually distorted grunge brushes by spiritcoda. XD And actually, the part that amused me the most in that wallpaper is the red tinge thing and the double non-Siamese effect. I...rarely do it. <.<;; But that doesn't mean I do the Siamese effects, too. :P

for joyceandou;

Now, joyceandou actually requested for just one graphic -- one wallpaper. But I completely forgot to sneak the last image in and so just turned it to an icon. >.>;; I hope that's fine for you, joyceandou.

The wallpaper was actually quite fun to make -- can you believe most of those are done through brushes?? :D I only used textures for the background and Die's images well, she gave them to me. But this was so fun to make, the entirety of it is my personal highlight (though it was a bitch dealing with Die's hair). This one was inspired by Dir en grey's latest tour shirt as well as a bunch of other shirt designs I see around the malls and a bit from MTV, too. The icon is the other one that has no *.psd.

for kissed_pick;

I actually intended to merge all of the images kissed_pick gave me into one wallpaper but, as I was doing the first one, I found that I actually like the way it turned out without the other images which is why I put those in another wallpaper. The 'Rockstar Immaculate' bit was actually something that came out after I did Die's wallpaper which reads "Rock+God Needs No Wings" so yeah. Influenced. Now the second wallpaper taught me how to mask. XD Yes, I did not crop Kaoru out of there, I masked him entirely. And given his hair plus my skills on masking -- it was a bitch. XD But my personal favorite part there is the rounded box with a grayscaled Kaoru on it. ♥

for thepuppymaster;

The wallpapers I did for thepuppymaster have done nothing but re-prove to me one thing: simplicity cannot be overrated. It's like, sometimes when you look at your work in progress, you'll go, "Ahh, this is fine." but when you look at it in a different angle, you find something that's bound to make it look better. In the end, graphics are supposed to be eye candies -- this happened to me while doing thepuppymaster's and filthnthebeauty's wallpapers. I was actually thinking that I should merge all these images into one wallpaper -- good thing thepuppymaster clarified it to me. XD;;

The first wallpaper is actually the first time I have done something like that -- obviously I enjoyed using 'Darken' far too much. >.>;; I think it turned out pretty nicely considering it gave that light, easy feel I wanted -- fit for a cool bassist like Toshiya. XD Now the second wallpaper is one of my personal favorites. It was supposed to go differently and much more simply but the background I wanted for it did not work so I tried a different approach until it reminded me of my Aunt's scrapbook designs which I love so much. I think this one's easy, too, and...well, I just like looking at it a lot. XD I can't choose a highlight for this wallpaper, I love everything in it. As for the third...yeah, laugh at me, whatever. :P But Die reminded me of James Bond in that picture and I just decided to go wild with that idea. I like how the texture-blending came out, though. And yeah, Darken. >.>;;

for usadari;

usadari probably has the most different request set because I hadn't been able to do a wallpaper out of any of the images she gave me. >.>;; But I still think they're a bunch of pretties. ♥ The first one is, yes, supposedly an FO banner. I'm just not sure if it would come out to you as that, usadari. XD;; I hope it does...I tried a bit of a noir effect on it and hope I did well. As for the other two icons -- they might look simple to you, but I'm very proud of them. I just thought they came out the way I'd wanted them to. Though Kyo's hat was a bitch to crop and mask. >.>;;
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header, j-rock, kaoru, texture, layout, aki, fashion, shinya, toshiya, dir en grey, die, aoi, photography, resources, music, stock, icons, wallpaper, kyo

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