(no subject)

Jul 08, 2007 19:45

Hellooo peoples! I am finally ready to make a post where I shut up about the suckiness and tragedy that is My Life and focus on happy stuff! Which is mostly due to the fact that my birthday is coming up and I'm currently surfing around amazon looking for things I want people to GIVE ME! I LOVE birthdays! I always gather all my friends and my mum and I (although, really it's mostly my mum) prepare food and my brother makes pizza for everyone in our stone oven and there's punch and all because of ME!

So, if you have recommendations for books (I'm looking for a nice, annotated version of Jane Eyre in particular cos mine stinks.) or CDs or DVDs or SOMETHING, please to be reccing, yes? I'm already very much looking forward to getting this and this! Annnd this of course!
Although the hare is sort of really freaking me out.

Apparently, being a greedy, greedy McGrabby Hands really puts me in a good mood, who woulda thunk? Fandom stuff is sort of passing me by in a haze (and I'm really not getting enough done to afford even this much, but! I'm totally cool with everything. Like, yeah.)

I got the first of three shots against cervical cancer last week and I'm feeling all conscientous and prepared now (and OMG! I looked it up just to be right, but I actually knew cervical cancer in Englisch! Which is not exactly close to the German Gebärmutterhalskrebs, eh? And yes. I may quite possibly be the biggest dweeb you know.) I'm still a bit thrown by the whole concept of getting shots against cancer, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Again, as a parting shot, I would really love some book recommendations. I'm really in the mood for something new and special. Not very big on biographies but not could be swayed.
I've also read a bunch of really interesting books this semester, which I didn't expect to enjoy this much.

I can definitely recommend Fifth Chinese Daughter by Jade Snow Wong, which is an autobiographical text about a girl growing up in San Francisco with her Chinese Immigrant parents written ca. 1945. The writing style is very sparse and lovely and I just enjoyed the whole text so much, especially since I recognised little snippets of the Chinese culture I encountered in April.

The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston I've not yet finished, but I've really liked what I read so far. It has autobiographical as well as mythical and fantastic elements and is really well written.

Lastly, Doris Lessing's The Good Terrorist. I read this for a seminar about literature and terrorism, for which this book is really not all that appropriate since it deals with being a terrorist roughly in the same way Grey's Anatomy deals with people being doctors. Still, this was my first book by Lessing and I wasn't quite prepared for the casual cruelty of it all. In the beginning I found it incredibly annoying and tedious, but I really got into it later on and now I really wish we wouldn't have to stop discussing it in the next lesson.

That... seems to be all! Yay! Hope you are all well and happy with better weather than over here. Except for today, which freakishly enough, was sunny the whole way through. I know!! You'd think it was SUMMER or something!
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