Oh my god, is this a NON-BORING Sunday?!

Aug 29, 2004 16:40

"blue_toothpick says...

Hey You,
Firstly i'm really sorry everything went tits-up. I care about you ALOT, its just not the right time for anything to go on between us like it has been doing. I know you want more but it just isn't possible right now, you know how i feel though. i've told you. Mark and the beirnes would kill me if they knew i was writing this but they are NOT going to stop me from being your friend. I've met you now and thats that. I will call you next week i promise and we will talk properly. the nets not safe, we know that. I am TOTALLY flattered what your name is on here and that picture is still AMAZING. I miss your company, smile and holding your hand. Maybe one day? who knows. you will always be my Spamonella :) don't lose hope, you are WONDERFULL. Speak 2 you in a day or 2. I hope you still wanna speak to me.

My eternal love always,


p.s heard about ur GCSE result, i bet its not as good as you hoped but you can always take it again, and if not, its still a pass! (see i am still doing my homework)xx"

Found that in my Faceparty inbox today. It made me smile. Simon hasn't failed to not make me smile, except for one occasion we'd rather not talk about. *rolls eyes*

Looks like I still have a chance. He hasn't completely abandoned me, as it did seem this time last week. I wanna meet him before I go back to school, to give him his book back, and to catch up on things. I know he still loves Mark, he told me he still does. But maybe one day... One day. *winks*

I'm going to say I wanna go out with him, but I have been harbouring feelings for him. Although, there are a grand total of two people who are going to end up reading this that I'd rather have right now...

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