so kill me, paeng. haha

Jun 02, 2009 02:21

ok, i'm no fan of twilight (definitely not the movie, but fine, maybe the books--i needed to indulge in some cheesy romanticism after you-know-what), but i found out from a friend (hi PM!) that someone else has taken the driver seat of new moon (director chris weitz of the golden compass) so i'm hoping this turns out better that the first installment. and this better be good, because new moon is my LEAST favorite book in the saga (me being team edward and i really, really, really, really hate jacob--sorry friends).

view the trailer here. (sorry, di marunong mag-embed ng video sa blog)

ok, so i'm team edward (no, not really rob pattinson--trin, he's all yours--just edward from the book), and i really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hate jacob (again the one from the book, and i think fiona can vouch for how much i don't like jacob) but...

man, jacob in the trailer is smokin' hot. :))

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