my new baby :)

Jun 22, 2008 11:17

no, i did NOT trade JP for some other guy. ;)) i'm talking about the newest member of my gadget collection: the EeePC 900. i got it last wednesday and so far, i'm happy with it. :)

i got the 20GB Linux version. Well, they actually had a Windows version but it only has 12GB hard disk so i opted for the 20GB instead. besides, i can always have this converted to Windows. *waves at shou*

but...for the meantime, i'll be tinkering with Linux. so far, it has been easy to use. [geekmode=on] the Xandros version that came with the pc is easy to get used to. (note: i unlocked the full version of the OS so i'm no longer using the default setup. no, i'm no longer using that interface with the large icons and limited functionality.) right now, i'm looking around sites on how to convert my OS to Ubuntu Linux, but it looks like it's gonna take a lot of work so i'm putting it off until i'm in the mood to do some major tinkering again. [geekmode=off]

i haven't pimped it up just yet. i took off the protective plastic (as in plastic, supot) for the sake of this photo but i still keep it on while using the lappy to keep dust and fingerprints off the screen. i'll be getting a protective sleeve and screen protector from trixie's friend. i'm also thinking of getting it g-masked to protect it from scratches and fading.

for my friends who knew me since college (special mention to omar, lloyd, anton, my thesis room buddies, etc.), yes, I'M TAKING GOOD CARE OF IT. i'm not throwing it around on the bed anymore and i'm not hitting it when i get irritated. mostly because it's my hard-earned money used to get this baby. i'm proud to say that so far, the gadgets i bought on my own, still works great upto now. the earphones i bought three years ago still sounds great (though the foam padding has totally worn off) and my ipod nano is still in perfect working condition, just a few scratches (because of the edges of the casing and just ONE major drop after two years of existence). snaps for me!

for people who will tell me that i should have waited for the HP Mini-Note or the MSI Wind or whichever ultra-portable lappy that is yet to hit the market: I'M HAPPY WITH MY EeePC. i just got it for the on-the-go wifi access, word processing and organizer/planner functionality. i don't need on-the-go video editing and photoshop capabilities. i don't need gaming power; solitaire suits me fine. i've always wanted a palmtop but this is much better. :)

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