(no subject)

Feb 02, 2005 23:07

i'm sick...and very very hungry...and i've been eating all damn day and yet I am still hungry. *gets fat*

What's your full name..::: Jacob Adam Bacon
How old are you..::: 17
Where were you born..::: Arizona ewww
Where do you live now..::: Arizona
How many siblings do you have..::: 2
What are their names..::: Shanah and Angela
What are your parent's names..::: Howard and Laura


Color..::: I think Green or Blue, but honestly I really like pink lmao
Number..::: 570...can anyone guess why?
Food..::: Italin and some mexican and anything that is SUPER spicy...only thing that really ever has been really spicy to me though was a habanero
Singer..::: Bruce Dickinson, Tarja Turunen, James Labrie and Tom Englund
Band..::: Dream Theater, Nightwish, Evergrey, Steve Vai band, Iron Maiden, Children of Bodom
Type of music..::: Instrumental Rock (Joe Satriani,Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen), Prog/Power/80's Metal, Classic Rock
Radio Station..::: Nothing
Song..::: Hmm... Hollow Years probably
CD..::: Don't have one but Steve Vai live in astoria london could count...
Channel..::: ...
Show..::: Don't have one...closest would be One Tree Hill
Perfume..::: *shrugs*
Store..::: *shrugs*

---Love Life---

Guys or Girls..::: Girls
Are you straight..::: Yes
Crush..::: No crush
Who is it..::: ...
Single or Taken..::: Taken
Taken by who..::: Jen
What song reminds you of your bf/gf..::: A few...don't feel like typing them
How many people have you kissed..:::hmm idk... 8-10?
How many boyfriend/ girlfriends have you had..::: Hmm... 7?
Ever been in love..::: yes
Who was the first person you made out with..::: forgot her name
What age guys/ girls would you date?..:::
How far have you gone with a person?..:::
How far do you want to go?..:::
Would you have sex with me?..::: I got this from dan so no
Are you a virgin?..::: yeah
Have you made out with someone you weren't dating?..::: yeah
Whats one of the craziest things you/ a friend has done with an aquatance?..:::

---What do you think of when you hear---

Friends..::: My friends
Spearmint..::: Gum
Kool-Aid..::: Good
Curly..::: hair
Sugar..::: sweet
Weird..::: people
Shoes..::: shoes
Eyes..::: Jen's beautiful eyes
Love..::: Jen
---Which Ones Better---

Coke or Pepsi..::: Coke

Chocolate or Vanilla..::: Chocolate
Rap or Rock..::: Rock
MTV or VH1..::: Vh1 i guess
Email or AIM..::: Aim
Going to the movies or Shopping..::: Movies
Hug or Kiss..::: Hmm i like em both, but kissing more
Walking or Running..::: Flying
Pool or ocean..::: Ocean
Sex Or Abstinence..:::Sex
Pot or Cocaine..:::Pot
Beer or Wine..:::Beer
Black or white..:::Black
Curly or Straight..:::Straight
Boxers or briefs or boxer-briefs..:::boxers
Thong or granny..:::thong
Abercrombie or Hot topic..:::Abercrombie definietly
Summer or spring..:::Summer
Skater or Surfer..:::Surfer

---Last Section (Random)---

Are you bored..:::Yes
What color is your hair..:::Brown
Righty or Lefty..:::Righty
Who's at your house right now..:::Just my family
Did you ever own a pet duck..:::nope
What color is your room..:::White
What are you wearing right now..:::Mesa/Boogie tshirt that scares the girl who sits behind me in math class :)...jeans
Who are you sending my survey to..:::No one bitch
Glad it's over???..:::don't care
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