(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 18:27

I just felt like updating, so I am and dinner will be done in ten minutes, so this is a good way to pass the time.
Does anyone remember the random bithday card I got from a "Stacey Dey"? Well turns out it was from the lady who cuts my hair. Oops...
Oh and the radiator... Not useless!! It's in my dad's car right now, sweet.
Right now I'm just kind of enjoying the summer, going day by day. I've taken a couple of days to just do nothing and it was very nice. Oh, and I finaly finished Huck Finn today. Must say, I still don't like it. As just a plain old story, maybe I'd like it if I were a 12 year old boy, but alas, I am not... As for the great novel with all these deep meanings and themes and what not, I'll leave that type of thinking for when school starts again... TOMA!
And dinner is served.
P.S. I start my volunteer work at the library tomorrow, joy :/
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