May 09, 2005 18:13
I was looking at Newsweek's top 100 high schools and number one is somehwere in Alabama and number two is The International Academy in Bloomfield Hills. They rate them by dividing the number of AP test and some other test I don't think I've ever heard of and dividing it by the number of graduating seniors. I don't see how this makes any sense. Even if everyone in the school scored really low it doesn't matter as long as they took the test. I played against some people from The Academy in academic games and all they would do is diss their school. Everyone is forced to apply for every scolarship available and take every test there is to take. One girl said her councler made her apply for scholarships to State even though she wasn't going there. Then of course she went on to talk about how it was unfair that students from her school were taking everyone else's scholarship money (la ti da for you).
Then I tried to look for Lamphere because they listed the top 1,000 schools, but my two minutes of searching proved fruitless. I think it's better this way, I won't be as depressed, lol.