Apr 16, 2006 08:50
Pendo asked me the other day, "Does it feel like graduation just snuck up on you and are you freaked out, or is it the end of a journey?"
It's definitely the end of a long, 16 year (?), successful journey of schooling. I am, indeed, ready for the end, my friends. It's not just an end, however. It's also a new beginning, which I'm excited for.
I remember back to the days of Frau Kenny's kindergarten class, with the blue tricylces and then bigger, red "taxi" tricycles. These had two seats in the back...and there were less of them. If you got your hands on a taxi during outside play time, you were the shit on the playground.
I then moved into grundschule (german for elementary school)...Frau Dalal and Frau Genth....and the utterly horrible music teacher--I don't even remember why I hated Frau Xuma. I think it was those classes learning how to play the recorder. My major feat during this time was starting the Recycling Club. I was the PRESIDENT and we had a NEWSLETTER, that I published! WOOT. Once a week I think we cleaned the playground. Good times.
What I hated about elementary school -- the times I had to stay after class to work on my handwriting....and HAHAHAHA YOUR EVIL PLAN DIDN'T WORK, it's still a mess. Too bad for the german school....they couldn't fix me! And THEN, my bad handwriting caught up with me. In 4th grade, this kid Chris Nohr and I were hanging around in this b.s. afterschool music session. We skipped out, found some red pens (You were the shit if youh ad a red pen, cause ONLY the teachers could use them). Well......the marvelous teachers didn't lock their desks OR classrooms that day....so....the shameful part of my elementary school career: We went to down on all the class record/attendance books...where all the grades were written in, and wrote bad bad bad words all inside them, scribbling all over.
It took about a week....and I was BUSTED, because they were able to match my handwriting. ugh. Then, this kid chris and I had to pick up trash all over for a long time....and he and I became enemies....it was like two armies. All my friends backed me up, all his with him....and they had to keep us separate on the playground for the rest of the year.
After that, I moved to "the big school" which had 5th-13th grade....One thing I remember is us making this time capsule---I don't remember what I put it it, and I don't remember when it was supposed to be opened, but I should find that out.
Didn't stay long at the Deutsche Schule Washington (I do remember th phone number, I think its 365-4400), mom felt I wasn't getting an education, so 6th grade found me in the american public school system. Ahh...6th grade, where I saw the first "love of my life"...not really knowing what it meant. This girl, Rosemary McManus. I was new to this wholething....so I didn't really know what to do. I went to "Things Remembered" at the mall, and bought this heart-shaped jewelry box and had her name engraved on it. It was like 20 bucks.....and MAN did I get shot down!! Not even in person--I actually barely ever talked to her....she wrote me a LETTER, telling me thank you and she wants to be "friends--nothing more, nothing less." We sang in chorus together through the end of high school....but never really hung out. Ah well, she's good people.
6th grade also iintroduced me to two of my best friends in the world...Steve and Harrison (today known as Stevereno and Killer). I met Killer in Mr. Kenny's 6th grade science class....we were partnered up in a bubble gum experiment. Then he invited me to eat lunch with his friends....and I'll never forget he always ate his sandwich FIRST, and THEN the Capri Sun--you could NEVER have the drink with or before the sandwich. And tuesdays...tuesdays he always had turkey tacos.
Music is what blossomed Steve's and mine friendship. Mr. Nateghi-Asli took over for this guy who had been teaching chorus at pyle for years, he was a "legend". I'm blanking on his name right now, but i do remember "Fish and Chips and Vinegar, Vinegar, Fish and Chips and Vinegar, (something goes here) and salt." First song I learned in that class. Mr. Nottery (that's the correct pronounciation for Nateghi) was, well....interesting. And Steve....what a mother of a piano player (no surprise now he's the organist at the second biggest church in washington DC).
So, middle school went on, with my failed attempt at running for student government (Dad's "Dan, Dan the Man, with an Environmental Plan" schtick did NOT go over well), and continuing to sing in Chorus. 8th grade is where my audio career began...I ran sound for "Wizard of Oz." Man was I cool. OH, man, 7th grade, there was this girl, Camilla, who had a thing for me.....didn't last to long...and now, she's a model. figures.
All in all, I'd been living a happy life....at the end of 8th grade...I wasn't in the "cool" group, but I wasn't one of the dork-losers either....I had friends in both crews...right where I wanted to be. Then came my kick-ass experience at Walt Whitman High School. 4 years of greatness.
9th grade...I was in the "Freshman 8" on Whitman Crew...we weren't great, but won a few races. I built some great friendships here...Namely the fantastic four of Henning, Goodman, Harding, and Plummer. I barely talk to those three anymore--Goodman's still in my cell phone, and Harding was off the map for the last two years doing the mormon mission-thing. He's on my buddy list, and I'm trying to catch up. Plummer, who knows what happened to that kid. A pot-smoking huge preppy kid (not huge in size...just the ULTIMATE prepster, pink shirt, house in maine, etc). Anyway...crew didnt last much past halfway through Sophomore year...because our new coach was a HUGE ASSHOLE, and I had NO respect for him. Freshman year our coach was a grad student at Georgetown...one of the coolest people ever. Kevin Antchikaitus (no idea how to spell that).
My biggest influence as a teacher in HS was definitely Mr. Davidson. That man has probably affected more people in the world than Ghandi. Freshman year, he told me I was "going places." 4 kick-ass award winning years in choir--we were AWESOME. Everyone feared Whitman Concert Choir and Chamber Singers. Magical times that I will NEVER forget.
Would you believe I tried out to be Whitman's morning PA announcer freshman year...and didn't make it!! THEN, Junior year...I MADE IT!!!! and Dr. Marco, our principal, asked me if I'd ever thought about..................BEING ON THE RADIO.
Yes, my friends, that's where it began....that summer, I interned at "106.3 - The Heat". I was quickly known as Dan the Intern man....Made coffee at 530 in the morning, got the showprep....and soon i was out live on my cellphone eating dog biscuits at the humane society. There was also my trip to the pickle plant...AND my last day of my internship I DID MY OWN REMOTE BROADCAST HOLY COW IT WAS AWESOME. It was the first week in august, and literally 95 degrees at 8 in the morning....and I was dressed up as Santa Clause ringing a bell in the MIDDLE OF ROUTE 50 (read-major highway). I raised money for the salvation army....and embarassed the hell out of myself BUT--it got people talking about the station, WOOT! They told me i definitely had a future in the business!! YAY!
Well, apparently they didn't have a future immediately for me there....I waited and waited, and "nothign was available." Where was something available? At the main competition -- 96-7 WCEI. I remember being scared shitless going into this interview....I had random stuff from the summer as an intern on tape...and Sandy Reeves, the GM, called me two days later and said "can you start on monday?" I HAD MY OWN AIRSHIFT ON A REAL STATION! Gone were the days of me locking myself in my room for the last 6 years pretending to be on the radio (yeah, i didn't tell you about that....kind of embarrasing--it actually started in elementary school). I soon found out that she was iffy on hiring me, saying I was too young and inexperienced....but it was the afternoon driver Don Bumpus that urged her to give me a chance...I owe my life to that man.
And now, they want me full-time. :-)
Let me jump back to the other jobs i had in HS....some of the best times of my life were on the Oxford-Bellevue Ferry, and Bates Marine. Best, most laid-back places ever, to work. I was on the ferry for 2 years, and at Bates for 6. After 3 or 4 at bates, I was the "Head Dockhand", mind you, I had business cards! Nothing better than getting paid to work in the sunshine.
As I write this, I realize there's alot I'm leaving out, especially in my early childhood, because I don't remember much before I was about 3 or 4. I remember the orange trash trucks on Franzwidermeier Strasse. I don't really remember my dad, as he passed away when I was 3. I always wonder what he was like. The guy mom married in 1989...that's my dad. You know, I remember that day we met. We had just moved in to this new neighborhood. I opened the door after a knock, and there was this guy with a dog welcoming us to the neighborhood and asked us to come swimming at his pool. My mom HATES dogs. Well, soon enough we were spending nights over at his place (i was young, had no idea what was going on), and then I was walking down the aisle with a ring on a pillow. Good times.
Back to wrap up high school...I was one of the first people to find out I got into college, none other than the fantastic IC. I built some new friendships my senior year that I thought would last....but they really didn't. I'd love to reconnect with the Becca's, Mars, Claire, etc. Ah yes, my senior prom date, Claire. Good times. Man, did I look smashing in that tux!
So, I graduated from high school, definitely knowing that radio is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I built up my experience over the last four years, and here I am today, ready to roll with a kick-ass resume, and a huge passion to learn and succeed in the industry. My experience at IC Radio was a big factor in building myself....I wouldn't be where i am today without it.
I'm kind of tired of writing--this is barely half of what I could talk about....one of these days, I'll get someone to write a book about me. I still haven't told you about Gina, and how she swamped my sailboat to get my attention and now we're best friends. And, of course, Kate--I could write a novel on that amazing woman. And, another novel, entitled "The 15-05." That would be one hell of a read....jeebus.
I am ready, for this ending, and the new beginning. I am ready to rock and/or roll, with whatever comes my way.