Mar 01, 2005 20:42
SNOWDAY! yeah! it was pretty fun....
Mike came and picked me up and we stopped at his friend derecks house hung out with him for a while...then went and got somehting to eat
Me and Mike went back to his house and watched WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTON even tho Mike didnt want to :) lol but its such a good movie right Nick!? but MIke complained the hole time sayin it was making him fall a sleep lol
and then he took me home and my brother made me made me more foood and i watched bubble boy...
MY BROTHER PURPOSED TO JEN LAST NIGHT! Jen called me today and i asked her if she is having a good time in Florida and then she told me how Scott purposed and she said yes and everything soo yeah YAY i love weddings lol there fun
My birthday is in like 2 weeks and i have no idea what i want to mom wants to take me to some place in Ohio and get this 3 room suit and i can bring like 7 or 8 friends or somethin like that but i dont know if i want to do that.....gona go BYE!