Title: Hysteresis
Author: Nicke
Pairings: Rodney McKay/Katie Brown, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay/ofc, Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett
Characters: Rodney McKay, Carson Beckett, Katie Brown, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Radek Zelenka, Jeannie Miller, ofc
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Even though he's supposed to be a genius, Rodney takes years to figure out what - and who - he really wants...
Categories: het, slash, ER, ft, friendship, characterstudy, vignette
Kinks: um, none that I am aware of...
Word count: 10456
sgaauwtptbdfu, my lj
Disclaimer: Not mine. *sigh* Just borrowed for personal amusement.
lover100 prompt: #036 slow
A/N: I really have to thank
inkscribe who lend me the laptop on which this was typed and
mice1900 who did a wonderful job with the beta (and any mistakes you find are mine...). You guys sooo rock! *hugs both* Okay, this is um, long, but really, it is a vignette. Somehow. And yeah, I did it. Fulfilling part of my new year's resolutions. *squees*
Hysteresis - Greek, 'deficiency' or 'lagging behind'; delayed reaction to a stimulus that has been removed; ~ is well known in ferromagnetic materials. When an external magnetic field is applied to a ferromagnet, the atomic dipoles align themselves with the external field. Even when the external field is removed, part of the alignment will be retained: the material has become magnetized.; see also Hysteresivity, the tendency to react slowly to an outside force or to not return completely to the original state: Source: Wikipedia]
Rodney never really understood why his friend left Atlantis.