It's been a while since I did this one, but I thought maybe it would be appropriate to post a link here?
Vid Title:
Put Out the Lights.Artist: Oysterband.
Genre: Angst, Gen, Carson character video. Spoilers for 1st & 2nd Seasons.
Rating: K or G.
Format: Windows media, 9 mb or 25 mb for download at
my webpage. (Thanks for preserving my generous host's bandwidth by "right-click-saving".)
"It is a common misconception that the phrase "primum non nocere" (First, do no harm) is part of the Hippocratic Oath." ~~Wikipedia
We always bring our own interpretations to these sorts of things. A friend sees this as a very happy, seductive love song. I couldn't get Carson out of my mind listening to it, because I see the song as "this is how the world will end." For the vid, I wanted to explore where Carson's been forced to go because of the Pegasus Galaxy. He's fascinated me because, of all of them, he's the one who's had to make the hardest choices about what he will and will not do in order to win the fight against the Wraith. (Hence every time the chorus sings about the dark being warm and "let me embrace you" it's Carson stepping out on his Wraith research.) And it seems that, no matter his best intentions, things don't turn out the way he had hoped they would, like Elia and John. The stakes are high if he fails, destruction of everyone he knows and loves. But can he live with success?
(Like any author or artist, I want to go back in and "fix" the damned thing now that it's finished, because my vision exceeds my skills at this point. But I'm not sure I'll ever get to it, so I'm posting the links now.)
Feedback is coveted and will be consumed by a warm fire with hot cocoa.