The Destroying Angel by Jaci Peet possibly deleted/discontinued Summary: Shep is VP of the most dangerous outlaw biker MC in the south. It isn't until he meets the new doctor in town that he starts to envision a different future. Though he never imagined he'd want it with another man. ica's verdict: Quite an interesting fic with two amusing characters. The story itself is fun to read, both sexy and funny with a bunch of awww moments. However, I need to address chapter 9 specifically because the author decided to post 2 endings to it but went with the original version in the end. My problem with the original ending: The conversation that leads to the fork in the plot line is nowhere near enough to spur Kellen's reaction to Shep's confession. Kellen's decision completely goes against his character at this point. Without any accusations or reasons on his part, his outburst seems purely arbitrary of the author, just to find conflict in their relationship for the sake of conflict. My problem with the 2nd version: The conversation in chapter 9 indeed is much better suited to the outcome of this ending. It is also in sync with Kellen's personality but unfortunately, it makes too light of the situation in general and probably would've taken the edge off the story in the long run, unless the author decided to add a different conflict point. All in all, I must say that I enjoyed "The Destroying Angel" immensely until either endings of chapter 9. It is unfortunate, really, but maybe the author will decide to rewrite it in the future. The following rest so far is decent enough to continue but I can't help being reminded that a good chunk in the development of their relationship is missing. 7/10
More Out of Life by Happy Hippie Summary: I don't understand ambitious people at all. I mean, I have a job I enjoy, an apartment I like living in, and a boyfriend that I adore, why would that not be enough for me? I wouldn't change a single thing about my life and I don't understand why people can't just leave that alone, or why my life is apparently sort of falling apart because of it. ica's verdict: An amazing story that depicts in a very honest and realistic way the struggles of the main character with himself, his surroundings and his life. I have to admit though that all through chapter 18 or 19 I wanted to shoot the protagonist in his f*cking face -.- You witness his every action and you just know that he's making his situation worse and worse but his life's a trainwreck. You can't just stop reading. But as horrible as the first 20 chapters feel, it makes the ending so much more worth it. Another noteworthy mention is that the end is not the usual clichéd "confession in tears how stupid he was not to see the errors of his ways and they both fall into each other's arms and embrace their new-found love" bullsh*t. The main chara stays in character at the end, that is, he still annoyed the f*cking hell out of me XD, which makes the protagonist all the more tangible and the situation more real because solving the problems he has to overcome is not a piece of cake. This all is proof of excellent writing. 9/10 On a side note... [Spoiler for a more or less important plot point.]I was wondering if the author didn't know that it's common practice to lube up and finger your partner first to prepare him/her for anal sex...
I need to rant a bit here if you don't mind. 1) This is not so much a rant but just an observation: When I read too much, I lose weight. And it's not because I don't eat my meals because I make sure I do but apparently I burn more calories lying around and straining my eyes LOL j/k. Actually I think it's because I don't snack inbetween *shrugs*
2) The following has been annoying me so much lately. I don't want to come off as a grammar nazi but I guess there's no way around... Recently I read a fic, quite good actually, interesting plot and stuff. But I had to stop after 12 or so chapters because the author obviously had no proofreader but s/he also has no idea about f*cking grammar either. This has happened quite a few times already. Non-existent grammar really takes out a lot of the fun of reading. I don't even know where to begin with this author though. I can forgive the occasional typo or mix-up of "you're" and "your" or missing/wrong comma but s/he managed to piss me off on so many levels. (Oh and btw, s/he is an English native speaker) So... there is NO - and I mean none at all - "than." Only "then" whether it's used as preposition of comparison or not. The contraction "it's" is non-existent as well; instead s/he writes "its" all the way through. However, the missing apostrophe suddenly appears before the 3rd person present tense "s" in verbs, f.ex. "she want's" or "he get's" ... And what the flying f*ck is with no commas before/after f*cking names in a f*cking dialogue?! But this is not exclusive to this author; there are a bunch of other mistakes ppl keep making and it's spreading on the internet like wildfire: - you're / your: "You're a f*cking idiot because your grammar f*cking sucks." - there / their / they're: "They're bloody morons and there is nothing you can do about their f*cking grammar." - too / to (Yes, how the f*ck can you mix that up??): "Can I also be an idiot?" - "Yes, you, too, can be if you want to. But you should stop when it's too much for you to handle." - then / than: "But my grammar will suck so much harder than anyone else's then!" - to bear / to bare: "Suck it up, bear it like a man and bare your f*cking soul to the almighty grammar god if you don't want to f*cking fail like all the others out there." - it's / its: "But it's the grammar and its rules that are so difficult to remember." - who's / whose: "Only the one who's chosen and whose determination is unwavering will persevere!" - to lead, led, led (The past participle is "led" and not "lead" for f*ck's sake): "The chosen one has to lead the ppl to their grammatical salvation as they have been led astray for too long!"
...and the list goes on... I hope you like my examples XD Anyway, my English grammar is certainly not perfect but I'm not a native speaker. I do wonder though, do you native speakers actually learn your own f*cking grammar at school? We do and it's absolutely essential for job applications, official letters/essays and whatnot to have impeccable knowledge and use of the language. Otherwise you can kiss any kind of job goodbye over here. I have a friend whose boyfriend is Scottish and he said he didn't learn English grammar at school. I was shocked when I heard that...
One last note about the above mentioned author: The only good thing about his/her grammar is that s/he was at least consistent lol