*Steals from Tari*

Jul 22, 2020 00:31

So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me, something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about, or something you've always been curious about but have never asked, or something completely silly that you'd like me to answer for kicks. No limits on the range of questions, either: ask me anything you want to know about, whether it's a fannish opinion or a question about a fic of mine or trivia about my real life or my thoughts on events in the offline world.

Ask away. Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don't know about you!

Anon on/IP Off - all that good stuff. I do have to unlock the entry after I post it - but once that's done, it'll be public for anons. Screened, as always, and I may be rescreening them.

I reserve the right to politely refuse a question if I feel that it is of a personal nature. (i.e. if you don't already know my real name, please don't ask.)

comments, anon, meme

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