My love letter to fandom (after I complain about it, of course)

Apr 16, 2012 21:21

Ugh! Grimm fandom, why are you so insistent on bringing me down.

I know, I know. I should just ignore the irritating parts of fandom I really should. But then, I wouldn't be me. And almost do passive aggressive shit to other people, only to back off at the last moment because I don't want to be mean.

So, in order to not enter into any sort of discussion that might, might bring me into conflict with anyone on the kink meme, I've decided to do another list. Because I love lists.

Without further ado...

Things I love about (ANY) fandom

1. That it exists at all. - A little history lesson, first. I first found fandom, completely by accident at age 15. I was looking up a point about the Harry Potter books, I'm not sure what, when Google linked me to a Ron/Malfoy fic on Keep in mind that at that point I hadn't even conceived of fan fiction. And then I come across not only fan fiction about the Harry Potter series, but a slash story about the Harry Potter series. (This is probably the birth of my love for Hate!ships - thank you Google). And it was glorious. Not only was it well written, but it was about characters that I had already sort of shipped before I knew what shipping was. Fandom, you are awesome!

2. The diversity it brings me - Not only does Fandom have fan fiction, but it also has graphics posts, and vids, and essays - meta about why a particular pairing is the shit, or why fandom is either going to make civilization a little better or destroy us utterly. (Why I love those essays/meta so much is still beyond me, but keep 'em coming fandom!) I know that I'm not even scratching the surface with this, but I'm sure you get the drift.

3. The Fan Vids - Without naming names, because I'm lazy and don't want to put any links up, I've got to say that some of the vids that fandom members have made (in almost any fandom that I've had the pleasure to be a part of) have been beautiful, funny, hot, and even angsty. That is not something I had ever expected to find, or even think about finding, before I found fandom. Vid makers, you guys do so much with the clips that any show has given you (along with suitable music) that I almost don't know what to expect next. Is adalind going to pledge a vedette against Renard, or Nick because of the last episode. And more importantly, is she going to do it to the sweet sounds of Queen? I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

4. You guys are probably going to judge the hell out of me, but I've got to say that even though it can get pretty terrible at times, I don't think Fandom would be the same without the wank. Not to say that I endorse it, but it kind of reminds me off watching a train about to crash (or Charlie Sheen having a nervous breakdown - or whatever the hell happened last year) you know something terrible is happening, but you just can't look away. Maybe I should just compare it to the stupid arguments that some famous people get into. Or, this years Presidential Election Shenanigans (in America, for all those many non-americans out there). You see these supposably smart people saying and doing things that are admittedly idiotic (I refuse to take political sides because my God, they all do stupid crap), and you can't help but want to keep watching the show. Even though you know that nothing good will come of it. (Admit it, it's better than watching ET or whatever else is comparable). Yes, I've come to realize that this says nothing good about my character. I'm learning to live with it.

5. Why I've waited this long to say this, I'll never know. Blame my scattered brain if you must. Icons, Wallpapers, Gif makers, and other graphics artists FTW! Graphics Artists, you rock my socks. I don't want to admit to how many fandom graphics that I've got saved to my laptop, but it's a damn high number, I'll tell you that. And they're all damn glorious. Want a picture of Tony Stark and Captain America fighting for a remote? Look to fandom and they'll already have done it six ways to Sunday. Dean Winchester tempting Castiel with pie? Done (and thank you artist who did that for my totally ridiculous Pie/Cheesecake war story under my old username on
deancastiel that totally made my day when you did that). Let's not forget all you can do within a 100x100 image. Way more than I ever thought possible. And the Wallpapers - guys, I cannot tell you how happy I was to have a wallpaper with the iconic Dean and Castiel chatting flirting on a park bench, but done in a stained glass style, on my laptop for almost half a year. Seriously, best part of my day was opening up my laptop and seeing that waiting for me there.

6. Being able to participate in the fan fiction area of Fandom. If you asked me when I was 14 if I'd ever write a complete story, I'd tell you no. Then I discovered fanficiton, and started wondering 'I wonder if anyone would be interested in something I write,, wouldn't it be fun if they were. Scratch that, wouldn't it be fun to write a story for the sake of writing a story?' While I admit, I'm not a great or even sometimes good fan writer, I have had more fun than I can say typing at my computer, or scribbling in my notebook, words upon words of a story. One that I made up (within the realm of fan fiction) and one that I control what happens. I can decide that 'hey, maybe I want Dean's Car to get it on with 'Little Bastard' I think it was that car's name, because even if it makes no sense, we all know the Impala is a damn fine catch.' (Erm... maybe I still not-so-secretly want a badass car of my own.) Or, maybe in the world of Grimm, all the clothes that the characters wear have personalities - and Renard's Longcoat is secretly waging a style war against Nick's Jacket+Hoodie combo (and he's recruiting Adalind's business jacket into the cause... because we all know that Hank's Jacket is totally on Nick's side, and Wu's police uniform has decided to remain neutral because he secretly agree's with Renard's Longcoat but he likes Nick too much to stand against him?) - ...And it's obvious that I need to get on that fic... later, because this is not the time for Crack!Fic, but tomorrow, after I have sufficient amount of caffeine, I might outline it. Being able to write fanfic (good or not) has been immensely fun, and in some cases cathartic.

7. Yeah, I'll say it, the kink meme's. So, sometimes they get a little wanky, but their also a damn fun place to be at. For those new writers, you can hone your skill while anonymous, for skilled writers they're a prompting paradise allowing you to explore possibilities that you never would have imagined. For non writers who have ideas they wish someone would explore (or are too shy to explore themselves for those racy prompts) kink meme's allow you the freedom to post those ideas (ideally without any fear of judgement). So, despite the fact that a lot of times kink meme's attract wank, they are still extremely fun to play around with. It's like a porn filled playground that allows you to meet (anonymously or not) people with a like mind. (or even explore idea's and theme's that you never would have come across otherwise).

8. Episode Reviews/Episode meta - I don't know about any of you guys, but I love reading other people's meta about certain episodes/characters and being to write meta of my own (even if they sometimes don't make sense). Maybe I'm putting too much thought into why a certain episode (or even book if your reviewing a book) has happened a certain way, but damn is it fun to speculate. (and flail, don't forget the flailing like a 14 year old with their first crush. OMG! - Even if I was like the somewhat socially awkward 13 year old who only flailed quietly and to no one else, because I was too embarrassed to admit I liked someone, even generally. Yeah, I was that kid... sue me.)

9. The sense of community it brings me. Fandom as a whole (ignoring the wank and trolling) feels inclusive and non-judgmental (to a point in certain fandoms). Is it any wonder that I feel brave enough to post fics when generally I'll get positive or encouraging reviews to keep writing (this was so helpful when I was a nervous 15 year old writing her first fan fiction. I'm sure I would have given up on it if I hadn't gotten encouraging reviews to keep writing - and looking back at that story now, I know it wasn't the best (because honestly, whose first story is?) but that reviewer will never know how much their words of encouragement kept me writing. If I could I would just give all of fandom (every fandom) a big giant hug. Because I can.

10. The ease of being exposed to new ideas. So, I was an incredibly shy kid growing up, and I wasn't really exposed to different ideas (because our public school system is terrible and seriously I have 'issues' with it. Though any teachers out there: I love you guys. You put up with so much crap, and you still want to teach us. seriously, you guys don't get enough love. Also, you deserve to be the highest paid profession in the country, but apparently people want to give that money to pro-football players or something.) A lack of a diverse school and parents who had the time to expose me to that sort of thing will do that to a kid. But fandom has helped me to see a whole cross-section of culture that I never would have done before (and exposed me to kinks I didn't know I had, but that's a whole other discussion, don't you think?). And it has been eye-opening and liberating in a way I never would have thought possible.

So, for all of this and more, thank you fandom for being just the way you are.

Note: this list does not cover even half of what I love about fandom, but it's a start and having written it, I am in a much better mood than I was before.

Fandom, you stole my heart, so just take it already. ♥

people i want to give a hug to, ramble ramble, fandom, come here fandom let me love you

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