Title: Tea Leaves: Fortune Telling for the Common Man (Or 10 things you should know about the world Harry Potter left behind to become Nick Burkhart)
Author: icarusinstatic
Rating: pg-13
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Grimm/Warehouse13/Sherlock (see: end notes)
Characters/Pairings: Hanna/Neville, Bellatrix Lestrange, Bartimus Crouch Jr., Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasly, Amelia Bones, Susan Bones, The Weaselys, Albus Dumbledore, Marie Kessler
Warnings: Harry Potter AU (as of end of book 4), Crossover
Summary: The past is the past, this is true. But in understanding the past, we understand the motivations of the present.
Authors Note: Some things to know: Dumbledore is not dead (and neither is Snape, because AU damnit!). Secondly, Expect to find out that some characters from HP are actually Wesen as well as Wizards - do not be surprised by this fact. Embrace it. Re the end notes and any Sherlock references, you can perhaps link this to my fic The Secret Society of Reformed Blutbaden in a very roundabout way. In that in my fannish mind, yes all Sherlock characters mentioned are the creatures I imply they are.
This is a prequel to “Five Reasons Moony & Padfoot are NOT allowed in Portland without at least giving two weeks notice to the Ministry of Magic, The American Department of Magic, and Sean Renard so that all three Governments can set up appropriate safeguards (and hide the good booze)” It stands first in a series of what is looking to be about 9 stories that I‘m tentatively titling the volkerwanderung chronicles.
End notes are important. Just sayin’. Their sort of like those easter eggs at the end of a movie.
1. Bella and Barty Crouch Jr. are alive and quietly wreaking havoc throughout the world.
2. Related to one: Neville Longbottom has called a blood-feud between the families of Longbottom and Lestrange and is busy hunting Bella and Barty down. (and bringing any other bad guys down he happens to come across along the way.) This is not a government sanctioned action and the British government is currently very pissed with him. Neville’s been heard to joke about the two warrants out for his arrest and the fact that no one in their right mind would ever interfere with a blood feud. When people ask Hanna if she’s worried about her husband she just smiles and says that if anyone tries to hurt him they’ll have to get through her first.
On a completely unrelated note, Hanna and Neville have made good friends with the Veela colony in France who identify with Neville’s need for revenge, Hanna’s loyalty, and their shared disdain for all things British at the moment.
3. Before Harry left Britain he offered to go with Neville to help him with his quest - Bella almost killed Sirius, after all and Barty did kill Cedric Diggory - But Neville turned him down. Bella had succeeded in killing his parents in a raid on St. Mungo’s and Barty had killed his Grandmother just after the second war had ended.
This was his fight alone.
4. Not all of the D.A. left Britain, but for those who stayed they’ve found ways to undermine the still corrupt government that never managed to learn it’s lesson.
(Potterwatch was changed to Night Watch, but still operates under the same standards and if anyone is found to be affiliated with it by the current ministry, the punishment is an automatic three months in Azkaban.)
5. Kingsley Shacklebolt was almost elected Minister of Magic, but a midnight back room deal insured that relative unknown Quincy Marcus received the post instead. It was this action alone that drove Luna Lovegood and Hanna Abbot to follow Harry, Hermione, and Neville to the Department of Mysteries meeting that allowed them to leave the country in anonymity.
Of the group that left, only Luna knows that Quincy Marcus was elected on the promise to find a way to bring down prominent members of the D.A.. Her response to that was to start the D.A. Monthly, a magazine that arrives without fail to every member of the D.A. on the third of every month in a nondescript brown package that looks like an issue of the Quibbler to anyone who didn’t sign the D.A. contract created by Hermione Granger. For those members of the D.A. hiding out in the muggle world the magazine looks like an issue of the World News Daily.
The D.A. Monthly offers a way for D.A. members to keep in touch with what’s going on back in Britain and to know that they are all still in this together. When asked what “this” was, Luna answered, “life.”
6. Ron Weasley didn’t leave Britain, but sometimes he wishes he had. Especially when he see’s the corruption his wife, Susan Bones, has had to deal with on an almost daily basis. He thanks god everyday that Harry trusted him enough to leave him in charge of the Potter family seat on the Wizengemot and that Hermione insisted on tutoring him for months on current Wizarding politics and her estimated outcomes for social climate in Britain. Not all of it has panned out, but most of it has, and considering the source, Ron know’s that he’s damn lucky to have had Hermione for a teacher.
The one thing Ron didn’t need Hermioine to teach him was how to play dirty. Growing up with the twins had already taught him enough life lessons in that department to last him a life time.
7. Harry wanted Luna and Hermione to join him in Portland, but when Mrs. Fredrickson stepped into the room in the Department of Mysteries with an offer for a life of endless wonder he knew he couldn’t bare to keep his friends from such an opportunity. The offer was for the three of them, but Harry had had his fill of endless wonder for the time being. What he wanted now was a normal life with no magic, no manipulative headmasters, and no one expecting him to be a villain or savior depending on the weather.
Later when asked if he got what he wanted, he’ll say yes, but he’ll still curse Dumbledore’s name for not telling him about his Grimm heritage.
8. Hermione and Luna work at Warehouse 13 and they’ve met Arthur Nielsen once, but mostly they hunt down artifacts that not even Arthur could understand.
Magic created all artifacts, true, but not all magic is the same and there is a difference between the latent magic that created the artifacts that Arthur and his team hunt down and the wild magic that created the artifacts that Luna and Hermione hunt down. That’s why there has always been two different sides to the Warehouse, it just so happens that for the first time in 20 years there are finally Witches and Wizards to keep the Wizarding side of the Warehouse calm. ...well, at least a little.
9. All members of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts office throughout the world are actually adjunct members of the Warehouse and all artifacts they come across are duly shipped to Warehouse 13.
It’s in this way that Hermione and Luna have been able to keep in touch with Arthur and the rest of the Weasley’s.
Molly Weasley has been known to make an extra batch of her fudge on the 15th of every month for Arthur to take to the girls when he goes to meet up with them. In recent years they’ve made it their mission to have their meetings in more and more muggle places in an effort to familiarize Arthur with the culture he so loves (and to give him a place to escape to if the British government get’s so bad that he can’t bare to keep his family under their control any longer). In turn Arthur has taken it upon himself to do the same thing for the rest of his family. The twins have taken to the “muggle-outings” as Molly insists they call them, the best.
10. Albus Dumbledore never wanted to drive Harry from Britain, and if he could find a way to bring him back, he would.
Things just spiraled out of control in a way Albus never could have imagined they would. He’s not so blind that he can’t recognize that he’s at fault for a great portion of what went wrong with Harry. Leaving the boy with Petunia Dursley certainly did not favors for his cause, but the alternative in Marie Kessler was not an option Dumbledore was willing to take.
Yes, the woman was Harry’s aunt on James’ side, but she was also a Grimm and would have taught the boy to become intolerant of anything inhuman and out-of-the-ordinary.
Of this, Dumbledore is certain.
Petunia Dursley may have been a highly prejudiced woman, but at least she didn’t attack her problems with machete's and what he’d been told by his seriously unnerved potion’s master was a sawed-off shotgun.
It’s the knowledge of his hidden family that ultimately drove Harry from Britain and out of Albus’s reach. Though, it wasn’t the only reason, Merlin knows. Albus has slowly come to the conclusion that he maybe shouldn’t have taken such a strong stand against Sirius Blacks request for a new investigation and trial into his unjust imprisonment once Peter Pettigrew was found alive in the summer after the disastrous Triwizard tournament.
That doesn’t mean he ever wanted that damn Bargheist to take care of Harry. Albus know’s pack behavior and that as soon as Black gained custody of Harry he’d invite Lupin to practically help raise him and they the boy who was supposed to defeat Voldemort would have been protected at all times by a vicious werewolf and a furiously overprotective Bargheist. Black was perhaps the one wizard most comfortable with his Wesen heritage to allow it to influence his Animagus form so much.
Albus knows that his hand in the Quincy affair certainly didn’t help matters any. Apart from further driving Harry from him, it drove an irreparable wedge between him any any ties he’d made in the ministry. Kingsley and Nypmhadora still wont take his owls.
Albus just wishes he knew who to talk to, to find out where Harry’s squirreled himself away. He’s certain that if he could just speak to the boy for a few minutes Harry would happily leave whatever life he’s made in the past thirteen years and come back to Britain.
Where he belongs.
For your Consideration:
A Bargheist is a large black dog: just imagine Sirius’s Animagus form and your set. They’re closely related to Blutbaden, excepting for their fierce loyalty to their pack which unlike Blutbaden often includes different species of Wesen predator and prey as well as normal humans and wizards. The most famous Bargheist. currently, is Greg Lestrade, whose patience in dealing with the Royal, known as Sherlock Holmes and the Blutbad, John Watson is quickly becoming legendary.
Many people assume that the date that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Hanna Abbot left the magical world signaled the start of the volkerwanderung of 1998. However, they’d be wrong. Because the volkerwanderung actually started much earlier than that during the Second Battle of The Ministry of Magic with a muggle-born woman named Mary Cattermole.
The D.A. - Contrary to popular belief the D.A. has always stood for the Defense Association. It was merely a political ploy on Albus Dumbledore’s part that led people to believe, for a time, the mistaken title of Dumbledore’s Army. A mistake that was quickly rectified by an enraged Hermione Granger who purportedly dosed the Headmaster’s lemon drops with truth serum. The information she learned was never made public, but it did drive an irreparable wedge between the members of the Defense association and the Order of the Phoenix.
Next in the Series: Nick's Patronus and other stories
Pst: if anyone figures out what Dumbledore is, you get internet cookies.