OOC: Profile [The Skytides]

Jan 19, 2032 22:11

There's something strange and oddly comforting about sleeping in one's own plane, with no people in sight and the odd, constant rumble of an airships' engine just beyond one's awareness. He wonders, not for the first time, if his reasons for preferring the cockpit over a real bed is because piloting was the only real constant thing in his life, and he's always been averse to change of any sort.

Hibari yawned, stretching his arms up and out before pillowing them behind his head and peering up at the ceiling of the airship. There were no clocks and no windows in the hangar, but Hibari figured that he must have been asleep for at least three hours. That meant that he had roughly another three hours to go before he reached his destination. The pilot considered his options for a moment, and then sat up, reaching behind the seat of his plane for his backpack. They would be serving dinner soon - he wanted to head down there as early as possible, in order to take his meal quickly and leave before any of the other passengers showed up. Before that, however, there were weapons to clean.

Name/Nickname: Kae
AIM/E-mail/Contact: derridamustdie or mytonfayourface (AIM) / pam.punzalan@gmail.com
LJ: izkariote

Canon Character and Series: Kyouya Hibari, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
In-Game Name: Kyouya Hibari
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: Pilot, the Convoy


Tall and pale-skinned, with sharp blue eyes and dark hair that's as wild and ruffled as the feathers of a hawk that's been up in the air for way too long. At first glance, one would think that he's far too thin and delicate-looking for his own good (his clean face and 'pretty' features don't really help his case). This impression tends to dissolve the moment Hibari opens his mouth, or the moment he sends his fist (or his tonfa) flying for your face. Years of fighting and piloting and living on the edge have bled him down to nothing but the essentials, and Hibari likes to keep it that way.

Leather is Hibari's material of choice when it comes to clothes, and he doesn't often wear anything that isn't black, white, gray or brown. He doesn't like frills or flares, and prefers things that are comfortable, functional and closely cut to one's form - anything else might get caught in things and slow him down in the end. He also always has his flight goggles and gloves on his person at all times.

(...Odd, though, that someone like him would like vests and pinstripes.)


At first glance, Hibari comes off as an ill-tempered, deathly quiet and cold young man, slow to trust, sharp with wit, short on words and even shorter on patience. He’s fiercely independent, not wishing to be beholden to anyone but himself, and highly intolerant of ‘crowds’ (that, in his definition, being any gathering or more than one person beyond himself in his vicinity). Not a lot of things impress him: the aesthetics of any form of art are lost on him, he is not easily moved by charisma in the form of either sheer good looks or pretty words. He’s also pragmatic to a fault, driven by his own sense of personal economy: beyond himself and what he is out to achieve, he will swear by very little but that which he needs, and at the moment, that happens to be either greater knowledge of his craft, a better handle of his own fighting prowess, and money. As such, one can rely on him to be extremely professional - he’s not about to jeopardize his goals, and he has always believed that principles are as fluid as human beings in general are. Still, the amorality he holds on to may be troublesome, most especially for people who like to think that they have a moral backbone of sorts.

Something that may only become obvious to people later, however, is Hibari’s insatiable curiosity - he’s out to understand both himself and the world he is in, in as much as he knows that it is impossible to know everything perfectly. The moment something or someone piques him, Hibari will sniff around and poke about, read the thing before him, see what makes that person or thing tick, to better understand in order to dismantle or reassemble said target of interest accordingly. Odd, that someone like him who seems so intolerant of human company and also seems to function on instinct could actually be that sharp or immersed within his own milieu. There’s a direction to this drive, of course… given everything that has happened over the past four months (i.e. killing his master, cutting away from everything that’s holding him back, acknowledging the fact that he’s more than just a human Weapon trained to kill and that there’s more to the world than it being full of really annoying crowds), it’s only natural that he’d want to ground himself in something without compromising his natural predisposition towards flying higher than anything else.

Hibari pushes himself because he has an acute sense both of human imperfection and the uncanny talent human beings have for making the impossible possible. As such, he firmly believes that imperfection is the door to infinity - in acknowledging one’s flaws and constantly seeking to expand beyond what one has in order to break the limitations that the world or one’s self places upon one’s shoulders, one can fulfill his purpose. Suffice to say, people in general don’t seem to share this philosophy, and the fact that they settle for what Hibari counts for as mediocrity is simply unforgiveable to him.

Overall, Hibari may look like he’s impossible to get along with and that he’s loyal to no one but himself, the man does have a very strong sense of duty, honor and responsibility when it comes to the few people or things he does care about. If he says he's sticking by a ship, he will. Besides, there's nothing like a little action to spice up one's day. He’s also a bit of a humanist, in a very odd way: wasted potential goes against everything that he believes in, and he will push people whom he deems as worthy as he sees fit, for their ultimate betterment (whether they like it or not). Power, skill and effort are three things that he respects, and he will acknowledge whoever displays them as people worth relating to, and maybe even following.


Petty theft, basic sabotage, intimidation, street fighting, murder, tracking, investigation, handling all sorts of weapons, wielding things that shouldn't be weapons AS weapons... you name it and Hibari has probably done it. He picked up quite a few tricks while he was growing up on the streets, and he learns quickly - one kind of has to, if one plans on surviving on their own, without anybody's help. Beyond piloting and fighting, however, Hibari has only dabbled in a lot of things, and hasn't had the drive to really sit down and learn how to do a lot of them properly. He'd rather be up in the air, or beating something up.

Although he's all right with firearms, Hibari actually prefers using melee weapons when it comes down to it - his weapon of choice, in fact, is the pair of gunmetal gray tonfa he seems to carry around on his person at all times, which he’s apparently skilled enough with to deflect bullets. That probably implies that he’s got godly reflexes, and an amazing amount of strength. He’s oddly aggressive, given the fact that his weapon is primarily made for defense or counter-attacking at the very most. Still, the style does work well for him. Lethally well. He’s also got a sound mind for tactics and improvisation on the battlefield, both on the ground and up in the air… he’s a viciously rabid dog, but a highly intelligent one when it comes down to it.

Oddly, for someone who spent a good part of his life on the ground kicking the crap out of people, Hibari thrives a lot better up in the air and behind the controls of a plane - piloting is second nature to him, and that includes flying hard, fast and hell of efficiently. Hibari is used to compromising situations, and excels in getting from Point A to B quickly, whether he's doing it through clear skies or a rain of lead. Furthermore, he’s got a vast amount of combat experience, and a keen sense for who and how to move and where at what time in a dog fight.

It should be noted that if he is given a position of authority, he is the sort of officer who is extremely hands on about everything. If he’s in command of a ground unit, for example, he’s going to be on the field, duking it out with the enemies like everyone else; if he’s with the pilots, he’ll be the first up in the air, in formation. It’s both a matter of not trusting anyone but himself to get something done, and also because he can’t stand not being in the thick of things.

At the end of the day, though, Hibari’s real ability lies in his construction as an intelligent weapon: a killing machine that’s sentient enough to need very little direction in order to do what must be done. He is capable of seeing anything and everything, even other human beings with all of their thought and skill sets and emotions, as a sum of parts, and the moment he determines how best to break them, it is usually over very quickly.

How well can your character hack?: Hacking is DEFINITELY not one of his strong points... he's only starting to learn it right now, but often doesn't have the patience to sit down and improve - as such, he can only troll Easy to almost Medium difficulty posts. He is, however, pretty good at encrypting stuff on the network, and can therefore make his posts Unhackable if need be.


Antisocial might be one way of looking at Hibari, but the more proper term might be asocial: for the longest time, human beings and human affairs did not interest him at all, and he also wasn’t built to think of himself as human. He’s only starting to see the value of other people (alongside his own personal value as a person), and all those other pretty things about trust and shit, but old habits are hard to kick, and he’s only RECENTLY had a change of heart. He has the tendency to be very short on sympathy in any and all situations, and he’s probably going to be the last person you’d ever want to be stuck anywhere with for a long period of time, especially since he often does without social graces and will tell you exactly what he thinks of you or your actions and why. Furthermore, if you’re standing in between him and what needs to be done, he’ll most likely seek out the fastest way to get rid of you. Screw your excuses: you’re going down.

Hibari’s fierce sense of independence also doesn’t help. Sure, he’ll follow orders, and he MIGHT back you up if it interests him (or if you interest him), but he won’t expend any more effort than necessary because he’s loathe to waste his time. He’ll also be the first one to back out if there isn’t any sort of profit to be gained.

Hibari also sucks at taking care of himself, beyond the basics - he eats, drinks and sleeps like someone constantly on the move to somewhere else, and is never in one place for very long. He's the type who thinks that the best way to take care of a fever is to sweat it out of one's system by fighting more, and harder. It comes with not believing in the concept of slowing down, or of limits.

At the end of the day, Hibari is torn between two instincts: that of being the human Weapon that he was built to be for most of his life, and that of attempting to understand the idea of personal agency and the fact that no one person (even somebody like him) can actually live like a machine, much less live alone. Emotions are fluid and fickle and often hard to control, and Hibari still has difficulty reconciling whatever he feels with the very cold, clinical and precise way that he’s been trained to think and act like. People can also be very unreliable, and too prone to letting their failures define them and what they do. As such, both emotions and people are things that Hibari can actually be VERY awkward with, and he’d much rather avoid dealing with both of them as much as possible.


It might be a little dramatic to say it, but Hibari was, by all definitions, a kid with no past and no real future: he was born on the streets of Kropmork, never met his father and remembers his mother for three things: her drinking, her drugs and her total denial of his existence.

Suffice to say, Hibari left home as soon as he was able and carved out a living for himself as much as he could, given the sort of things that happen at night (and sometimes, during the day) in his home town. Up until the age of ten, Hibari was the nameless, scruffy-haired kid prowling the back alleys, bludgeoning the drunks who were stupid enough to stumble through their on the way home - it was his choice method of scrounging up enough cash to feed himself. One night, however, he happened to bite off more than he could chew when he tried his luck against a man who happened to be a rather skilled member of the Assassins' Guild.

By all rights and purposes, he should have died that night. What ended up happening, however, was that he woke up in a real bed with his injuries properly tended to and his patron watching over him, daring him to try and break free. His new patron apparently planned on making him a part of the Guild whether he liked it not, and Hibari, after four unsuccessful attempts at breaking out (and attempting to fight the man twice that number of times), Hibari wisely figured that his new patron was respectably strong and it might have been a good idea to follow along with his wishes. Besides, any guy that could beat the crap out of him had to be pretty amazing.

On that day, the boy was given a name - Kyouya Hibari, with the first name being a mocking note on his attitude in a language nobody speaks anymore and the last a result of his patron's whims - and a real place to call his own.

Hibari spent the next few years in training, functioning as the transporter for his patron and the real members of the Guild - assassins need a quick get away from the scene when a job's done, after all. He was eventually allowed to take on jobs of his own by fourteen, and it wasn't long before he was making a pretty decent name for himself both within and beyond his Guild as the Skylark, the tonfa-wielding vicious kid who flew in, dismantled people the way mechanics dismantled machines, and flew out without so much as a word of explanation. It was a good life, for the most part, and one wonders why Hibari up and left at 22. He’d sooner eat his tonfa than talk about it, but the truth of the matter is he left because his master did, and for the longest time, his master was pretty much the world to him. Take the bottom out of someone’s world, and he’s bound to spin out of control for a while.

The next few years found Hibari wandering around Reial, both attempting to track his master down and to figure out exactly what he was really supposed to do with himself. He brought his reputation as the Skylark with him, becoming a mercenary of repute and even serving for a while on the Silvana. He disappeared again from that ship when he tracked his master down, and found that the man was involved in some very questionable, possibly Denoument-related activity.

Effectively, Hibari was off the radar for potential clients and the few people he might consider as his friends for the past four months - he spent that time period constantly on his master’s trail, torn between stopping the man or joining him. He eventually decided that it would be in his best interests (and Reial’s best interests, although that wasn’t much of a consideration on his part) to put a stop to what his master was doing, which lead to him killing the man with his own two hands.

Hibari is now back in black, and looking for a new place to settle down while he considers his options. Everything that has been holding him back is gone: he’s destroyed his past, and is now in the process of figuring out exactly who he is and what he must do for his own benefit. He’s tight-lipped about what he’s gone through, and anybody who tries to bother him will likely get a flat look and a vicious one-two from his tonfa.


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