Aug 30, 2009 00:38
Mom and I in the car:
*cue pointless, silly argument that started with mom saying something along the lines of "You never understood that I loved you" and me answering something along the lines of "No, no, no, all kids know their parents love them" and her saying something along the lines of "I'll have to think about that" and me continuing the argument in a confused sort of tangle until finally...*
Mom: What are we arguing about?
Me: I have no idea.
(We burst out laughing.)
Mom: I heard myself holding a position and thought ... ergh. That's not good. Better stop that.
Me: I can't even figure out what my position was.
Mom: Most of my arguments are like this.
Me: Well, me, usually I know what my point is. This time....
(We sum it up.)
Mom: I love you.
Me: Love you, too, mom.
I add: And next time I get into an argument that stupid I'm going to say "Whatevs."