SGA FIC: Out Of Bounds - John/Rodney - NC-17

Aug 25, 2009 00:42

At long last, and as a thank you to all of you for many kind words and linking to my post and, well, you know. We all know fandom's terrific.

For you: Out Of Bounds. In one file. It's now up and complete. Please enjoy with my gratitude. You're great people, you know that?

Title: Out Of Bounds
Author: Icarus
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: John/Rodney
Summary: "Don't confuse the ignorant with unnecessary technicalities," Rodney assured him with a smug smile and a deft wave of his hand.

A/N: Thank you once again to everyone on the beta team. I've had so much help from all of you I can't truly take credit for the story.

Betas: perfica, dossier, enname, rabidfan, skinscript, roaringmice, tingler, teaphile(who also did covers)
Skating beta: roaringmice
Long program choreography: skinscript
Czech beta: sarka
Non-fandom betas: Dana Phearson (HP fandom), my father, katmaxwell(anime fandom), thelovesupreme(HP fandom)
Medical information: JG
Toronto information: toronto, my father
Milwaukee information: you guys
Skating information: a thank you to
The early encouragement from: cesperanza, lillian78, twistedrecesses, millefiori, duffy_99, chaps1870, mecurtinand others who nurtured this along when it was a wee thing. Yes, commenting acts as good bait. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.... Special award for sticking it out FOR THREE YEARS.

All you fine folks with insult suggestions, cesperanzafor use of her unicorn, troyswannfor the bizarre Marlowe reference.

Dedicated to Evan Lysacek who stunned me when he actually replied to his fan mail.

Previously in Out Of Bounds: Known more for his jumps than his artistry, figure skater John Sheppard hires ex-skating champion and "artiste" Rodney McKay to be his coach. Their teasing friendship warms into something more. After all his training and preparation... the U.S. Championships.

out of bounds, sga, sga fic

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