Still gloating. Gen I have wrote.

Aug 09, 2008 16:52

I'm allowed to gloat twice in one day, aren't I?

How about continous gloating for several hours?

seticat is seeking Harry Potter Gen recs.

Do you folks read HP Gen? I would like to pass some recs along.

It may surprise some to know that, yes, I do occasionally write Gen. It's accidental and I try to keep it to a minimum, but fanfic is a bit like breeding orchids. Sometimes you get unexpected results.

Gen I have wrote (with excuses):

Stargate Atlantis

The Stars Look Very Different Today
I meant for it to be slash, I really did. But the emotional trauma of this story is so intense that as I picked my pen off the paper (yes, I write on paper, in cursive)-- it didn't need it.

Liar's Chair
A gift for a someone who wasn't into slash (that I knew of). Her request was "John whumping" and that alone was enjoyable without the slash (I know, perish the thought).

Breeding Ground
Yes, well, somewhere around here there's a second part which has all the slash. But the second part had such a radically different tone (completely out of place) that I decided it wouldn't work. This story remains Gen (or at best, Het, but I see it as Gen).

Power Napping
John's superpower was so innocent that my pen refused to write slashiness over the sleepy Rodney. It actually worked better to have it be just about John and his worries, and I like it better without the prurience I'd hoped for initially.

The Quick Bird On Hot Sand, aka Civilian Authority
Icarus cannot write femmeslash. It makes her uncomfortable. And makes her speak in third person. She tried once, and the fic was about as hot as leftover macaroni. However, a friend noted that all the feminist 14valentines fics were all slash and thought it strange. Icarus now strategically writes a female-character-centric story for each 14valentines challenge (but didn't finish her Keller-and-her-mom fic in time this year and it languishes in her notes).

And Liberty For All
A case where the political message and humor of the story would have been overshadowed by the slash, like adding too much oregano. I see it as pre-slash, squinting very, very hard.

Compassion For The Enemy
I cannae slash Carson, I cannae do it, Captain!

Nowhere But Up
My first ventures into a fandom are usually very light PG slash or, like this, canon Gen. I was just dipping my little toesies into the SGA pool.

Stargate SG-1

Cairo (a.k.a. Allahu Alssamadu)
Another unintentional Gen fic. What can I say? Both Jack and I got distracted by Daniel's foray into Islam. I saw this one as established relationship when I posted it originally, but complaints informed me that it's actually Gen. Oh well.

First Time A Soldier
I have no idea why I interpreted the request for "post Sha're's death; first-time story" as "first time Daniel learns to fire a gun" but there you are. I was drifting from SG-1 into SGA at the time, and just like my first ventures into a fandom are often Gen, my last ventures are as well. This happened with both the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fandom as well. I think it's because it's work to get into the canon and characterization (or back into them), my efforts tend to be more canon compliant.

Shared Secrets
Daniel drops such a bombshell here that any overt slash wouldn't have worked.

A Solid Foundation
And here, the bombshell is Jack's. But you can consider this evasion (using the truth) on Jack's part and I wouldn't mind. ;)

Harry Potter

First Signs of Magic: Hermione Granger
Wrote the kiddie "First Signs of Magic" series hard on the heels of the most explicit, pornographic (really, there is no redeeming plot in there) fic I've ever written, to clean my mind out with a toilet brush.

First Signs of Magic: Draco Malfoy
Ah, and Draco as a five-year-old. What could be more innocent?

First Signs of Magic: Severus Snape
My slash motor had recovered, but I couldn't resist one more First Signs, this time with a teenage Snape. It's a rule. The First Signs stories had to be Gen.

Ron As 'Q'
Drabble comm ficlet. The challenge was Ron/Sirius, and I find it very hard to slash those two without a lot of plot.

Pirate Peter
Drabble comm ficlet. Peter Pettigrew I've managed to slash with Snape, but as the challenge was AU (something I'd never written before this ficlet believe it or not, unless you count Beg Me For It, which I considered future-fic). It takes plot to establish an AU and so for a drabble... ze Gen.

Guy Fawkes Day
Drabble comm ficlet. Given an impossible pairing again, I naturally reached for the Gen.

Drabble comm ficlet. I really consider this pre-slash.

Unwelcome Advances
Drabble comm ficlet. I have trouble imagining Minerva involved with the twins.

Quidditch Windswept
Another kiddie fic, this one came out of the blue, years after First Signs of Magic: Draco Malfoy, but perhaps echoing it.

Mr Archibald Fletchers Revenge
One of two exactly 100 word drabble I've ever written. Everyone for the death challenge was writing depressing fics, so I decided to lighten things up a bit.

Comfortably Numb
The other exactly 100 word drabble. Uh. I don't remember much about this drabble. But I kept writing Percy after the slash fic, Sweet Hypocrisy. I think this has happened to everyone: you've written a character you don't like, and he comes to life, you start to understand him. And then you can't stop writing him, including little Gen glimpses.

The Metronome
Yep. My swan song fic in the Harry Potter fandom. This was the last Harry Potter fic I wrote, and true to form, it is Gen.

hp, sga, sg-1

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