Encouraging? You were downright seductive, turning one little comment into another, and another, and another. I followed your encouragement like bread crumbs. And yes, all yours. :D
Arg!!! Only because I have to gooooooooooooooooooooooo, & OMG I don't want to.... Such a lovely fic, Sheppard/Lorne I'm positively giddy. Already have it saved to favorites & will read the rest as soon as I get back. Mega kudos, seriously :-)
Btw, if you were interested we'd love if you joined & posted over on slashing_lorne I have my fingers-crossed, ready to beg for more fics with Lorne ;-)
OK, I'd suspected you might be able to do this, as you've written some of my absolute favorite SGA stories. But I couldn't be sure until I got the chance to read for myself.
Congratulations, you have managed to crack the aura of nigh-unslashability that envelops Major Lorne like a suit of armor and convince me that he might, just possibly, go there. And unlike the other couple of stories that have done so, it looks as if yours will involve a gradually (after much courting) arrived-at willful decision rather than undue influence from Ancient horniness rays or pheromones. I can't wait to see how parts 2 and 3 play out!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! OMG. Enjoying this so much! I LOLd so hard at the girls *g* And then the awkwardness!! OMG!! Here from a rec over at slashing_lorne :) *hurries on*
Comments 12
Mine, mine, mine, mine.
You answered my question. Boy, did you answer my question. Brava!
Btw, if you were interested we'd love if you joined & posted over on slashing_lorne I have my fingers-crossed, ready to beg for more fics with Lorne ;-)
Congratulations, you have managed to crack the aura of nigh-unslashability that envelops Major Lorne like a suit of armor and convince me that he might, just possibly, go there. And unlike the other couple of stories that have done so, it looks as if yours will involve a gradually (after much courting) arrived-at willful decision rather than undue influence from Ancient horniness rays or pheromones. I can't wait to see how parts 2 and 3 play out!
Enjoying this so much! I LOLd so hard at the girls *g* And then the awkwardness!! OMG!!
Here from a rec over at slashing_lorne :)
*hurries on*
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