I'm so sorry. Is there any chance that you could write the micro-fandom as a treat? I'm hoping that at least one person requested it. And you don't have to have signed up to take part in Yuletide Madness.
At some point late in December, in an attempt to ensure that everyone has a fic, a list of unfulfilled requests is made public and anyone is allowed to write from those prompts. Additionally, a collection is created where the 1,000-word limit does not apply and participants are free to submit drabbles and snippets for any of the requests. This collection, and period, is known as Yuletide Madness and these fics are often called treats or stocking stuffers.
Many participants read through Yuletide Letters in advance to pull out any requests that speak to them and get a head start on writing treats, regardless of whether those requests eventually show up on the list. The general attitude among most participants is that the more fics written the better.So basically, all you have to do is a) write a story--over 1K or under, it doesn't really matter for your purposes; b) wait until Yuletide Madness starts in late December; and then c) post the story on AO3, gifting it to Person X and tagging it Yuletide (
( ... )
I'm definitely writing it for them.
So ... how do treats work?
At some point late in December, in an attempt to ensure that everyone has a fic, a list of unfulfilled requests is made public and anyone is allowed to write from those prompts. Additionally, a collection is created where the 1,000-word limit does not apply and participants are free to submit drabbles and snippets for any of the requests. This collection, and period, is known as Yuletide Madness and these fics are often called treats or stocking stuffers.
Many participants read through Yuletide Letters in advance to pull out any requests that speak to them and get a head start on writing treats, regardless of whether those requests eventually show up on the list. The general attitude among most participants is that the more fics written the better.So basically, all you have to do is a) write a story--over 1K or under, it doesn't really matter for your purposes; b) wait until Yuletide Madness starts in late December; and then c) post the story on AO3, gifting it to Person X and tagging it Yuletide ( ( ... )
I'm so nabbing that.
There are only two characters on on offer in my micro-fandom, so chances are whatever I start now will have a good chance of being in the ballpark.
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