Friended and defriended

Feb 15, 2012 05:06

General housekeeping:

Added a number of people who friended me on LJ long ago, and removed some who unfriended me long ago. Didn't add empty lurker journals, journals inactive for six years or more, and don't know why so many Russian LJs have me friended. But I also found some people who've reviewed stories and -- why didn't I friend them before?

Had a moment of alarm when I saw
wildernessguru still had me friended ... until I recalled I set that up for him, and he probably doesn't even have the password.

It felt a bit like visiting a ghost town, all those dead journals. Like I'm on DW, though sticking it out on LJ too, but I can see the dust devils in the wake of the fandom gold rush.

I can't tell if it's me, because I haven't had time to write (well, finish) fanfic lately, or if it's really that fandom is leaving LJ. Or maybe it's just the impression one gets when clearing out one old account after another ... last entry dated June 2006 ... August 2007 ... December 2005 ... only two entries ever made.

Strange, this LJ ghost town.

Also posted at, comment wherever you please.


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