Title: A Promise Made Good
Character(s): Don/Ian
Rating: PG / K+
Summary: When Don pulls away his mind is made up
Word Count: 100
Warning(s): None
Note: Written for
numb3rs100 using prompt #093 - Kiss
Disclaimer: Property of someone, alas, that someone is not I
Almost “You want something Agent Eppes?”
- - - -
There’s an edge to his voice. Don’s fingers are lingering above Ian’s mouth, which is frowning slightly.
Don doesn’t know what he wants from Ian in the long run, but he does know what he wants right now.
“Just wondering.”
Ian’s lips curl into a smirk.
“Well -”
Don stuns him by cupping his cheek, leaning over those lips and kissing them.
It’s a kiss of curiosity; Ian doesn’t push him, letting Don decide whether he wants to end their relationship now or explore where it could go.
When Don pulls away his mind is made up.
“Stay for breakfast?”
- - - -
Wake Up Call Author's Notes: Thanks to everyone who's reviewed so far, and special thanks with a chocolate-covered David Tennant to my muse
catte_noir who had to put up with my constant barrage of questions this afternoon. What I have learnt from this: never write to a deadline again ;)