Title: Rain
Character(s): Ian, Don
Rating: K / PG
Summary: 1 missed call
Notepad SeriesWarning(s): None
irena_adlerDisclaimer: Property of someone, alas, that someone is not I
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The walls of water distorted the distant city’s lights through the car’s windscreen. After 16 hours on the road, Ian could drive no further. Aside from his pickup, the mountain lookout was barren.
Ian climbed into the backseat where a blanket and pillow awaited. He could sleep anywhere at any time, the backseat being one of the more comfortable positions. He placed his pistol within a hand's grasp, locked the doors, and slept.
He woke sometime later to a vibration in his jeans pocket.
1 missed call
He hit redial.
“Good morning to you, too.”
“Edgerton? Where are you?”
“An hour from L.A, if I leave now.” He heard Don exhale in relief. “Don, what’s going on? You said this favour could take ‘a few weeks.’’
“Just until the trial.”
“Trial?” Ian began to piece together the pieces. “Don, if your favour is babysitting a witness for three months I’m driving back to Quantico.”
“There have been two attempted assassinations-”
“So you stopped them.”
“Put her in witness protection.”
“Put him in witness protection.”
“I tried. He says he has too much to do.”
“You let your witness decide what’s best? Don you’ve gone soft.”
“You come here and we’ll see if you do any better.”
“Nice try. Put an agent on him.”
“This case has... personal ties. I’m not trusting someone I don’t know.”
“Colby? David? Megan? They’re not just there for sex appeal.”
“I need them in the field.”
“And the field doesn’t need my skills more?”
“Ian-” Don stopped to talk to someone in the background. The reception was too full of static for Ian to hear who. Ian took the opportunity to climb into the driver’s seat and check the time. It was a little past four.
“Ian-” Don came back to the phone. Ian protested.
“I won’t do it. I’ll give you a list of agents who-“
“Charlie’s the witness.”
That made Ian pause.
“Charlie,” he repeated.
“As in Professor Charlie.”
“As in your brother Charlie.”
“Right. Where are you now?”
Ian memorized the Eppes’ home address as Don recited it.
“I’ll be one hour.”
“Thanks Ian.”
“Hey, I’m just your friendly neighbourhood sniper-god. I’m here to help.”
Ian heard Don scoff before he hung up.
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Word Count: 379
Author's Notes: Anyone else hate exams? Just back from my first, with one tomorrow and two in Friday. Lucky me. Well here's the fourth drabble, looks like we're finally getting somewhere. Oh, and anyone here willing to Beta a couple more drabbles?