Title: Pancakes
Character(s): Ian Edgerton
Rating: K / PG
Summary: "Thee cups to go, and a muffin, if you have any."
Notepad SeriesWarning(s): None
irena_adlerDisclaimer: Property of someone, alas, that someone is not I
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“Can I get you anything else?”
“Another coffee. Please.”
Ian sat at a table in a forgettable diner, plate of 6 pancakes - with ice cream and maple syrup - almost gone, awaiting his fourth cup of coffee. Ian wasn't afraid of flying, but he'd rather drive.
Or cycle.
Perhaps walk.
Don had asked him in to do a favour. ‘Off the record.’ That could be anything from interrogating a suspect to taking one out. Ian was curious, and a curious sniper was a determined sniper.
The blonde waitress placed a steaming cup of coffee in the place of the old one as Ian finished up the last of the pancakes.
“Anything else?” she asked, waiting patiently for the sniper to finish the coffee.
“Three cups to go, and a muffin, if you have any.”
It was a long road to Los Angeles.
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Word Count: 143
Author's Notes: I see Edgerton as a man who likes loves to be in control, so he'd hate being 30,000 feet in the air and not be driving. Hence the reluctance to fly. Agree or disagree with me at will.