Oct 31, 2006 06:46
Ah ha! As my grandma has been heard to say.
So I've been slowly filling out the pattern I already knew I'd fill in. My question still lingered though as to why I wasn't doing anything to stop it. To take the high road so I wouldn't have to be ashamed later on. I'm glad to say this time around I'm more comfortable with my public and private self-destruction but it happened never the less. The words lined up in my head though this morning and I can finally be resolute with this (as I unfortunately am with many things that have no resolutions) Self-destruction, degradation, or degeneration is my key to personal betterment. I feel more at ease in my skin now and can lay down my social nonsence to pursue my own pursuits. I find that although I'd not give up the chance to eat an apple anywhere, I enjoy it best when I'm alone. I dont offend others when I completely ignore them to enjoy in the glucose rich flesh and let it dripple down my chin like a glutton. Some things in life just happen to be best involved with when you're alone while others are best in the comfortable company of comrads. I just orbit around the collective stream of consiousness and right now I'm probably at my closest and able to be closest with everything else. Not to mention I have burried away any romantic or physical desires so my objectives seem clearer and richer than the dusty trail I left in scribbles. Time for the revolution.