Apr 26, 2006 22:55
OurHeroMaestro: *loads shotgun* now what have we learned, Michael?
Haven Icarius: Well, I think we're about to learn how useless guns are when telecommunication is involved.
OurHeroMaestro: actualy
OurHeroMaestro: what you learned is
OurHeroMaestro: never prank call the hospital but accidentally dial your deceased friend's phone numeber instead
OurHeroMaestro: for he will rise from the dead
OurHeroMaestro: and play along with your prank call
OurHeroMaestro: and make you feel awful
OurHeroMaestro: and all the while chuckle to his sick little self on the other end of the line
Haven Icarius: Boy, I sure won't do that again!