1. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
it hasn’t changed
2. Two weeks from now this time, where will you be?
probably in this same position, or eating
3. Who was the first person you talked to today?
4. How late did you stay up last night? Why?
almost one, reading
5. Could you go a month without cursing?
6. Have you ever ridden a horse?
of course
7. What are you doing?
waiting to feel hungry
8. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
9. You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
chocolate milk sounds pretty good
10. When's the last time you talked with the opposite sex on the phone?
in petsmart on saturday
11. Do you think you are a good person?
good enough to be satisfied, at least most of the time
12. What will you be doing in 3 hours?
probably watching gilmore girls
13. Do you miss the way things used to be?
yes, because i’m sentimental. no, because i’m happy with now.
14. Would you ever live with anyone on your top friends?
um..top friends?
15. Are you a patient person?
it probably depends on how much i want something
16. Do you believe in true love?
i’d have to see the definition
17. Have you ever stolen a street sign?
nope. cortland has, though. i haven’t told that joke in a while.
18. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
19. Do you prefer being in an actual relationship?
prefer it to...i’m a little confused. yes?
20. What does it mean if you're extremely quiet?
i’m either thinking, or not thinking, or watching tv, or trying not to cry, or hiding, or concentrating, or sleeping
21. Think a lot before you fall asleep?
22. Have you ever given a random person your number?
23. What're you listening to?
doors opening and closing in the hall
24. Whats your current mood?
25. Do you always answer your texts?
if they’re from people i feel like talking to
26. Did you sleep in past noon today?
27. Did you do anything stupid today?
not that i can recall, actually
28. Where is your cell phone?
beside me
29. Who was the last friend to come to your house?
30. Something that made you laugh today?
31. What time did you wake up today?
32. When was the last time you talked to your best friend?
breé earlier today, aly via email yesterday
33. How many bruises do you have and how did you get them?
just one on my shin but i’m not sure about the origin
32. Have you done anything embarrassing lately?
no, it’s been a while since i made that weird laugh
33. Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex?
either. the face sort of matters more.
34. What was your dream about last night?
i wouldn’t know, because the only thing i can remember about last night/this morning is the garbage truck beeping for half and hour
35. How is your hair right now?
the way it is
36. Do you wear makeup?
on special occasions or if i feel like it
37. Do you prefer to call or text?
it depends on the person and the reason why i’d be communicating with them
38. Where is your biological father right now?
probably on his way home
39. If you could have something right now, what would it be?
a wide expanse of time with no obligations for anyone in my life
40. Do you want someone back in your life?
41. How is the weather right now?
cold. the snow progressively melts
42. Last thing you had to drink?
dr pepper
43. Is anything annoying you right now?
44. Is this year the best year of your life?
i couldn’t say. it’s different from all the rest, at least
45. Is this summer gonna be a good one?
i think so.
46. Are you wearing yellow?
no i don’t really like yellow
47. What was the last movie you watched in theatres?
he’s just not that into you
48. What's your favourite month?
september or october
49. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person?
i am an evening beach person and a morning non snowy mountain person
50. Where would you like to live?
greensboro, france, or germany
51. Are you good at math?
better than i used to be
52. Who was the last person to give you a hug?
53. Best thing that's happened today?
realizing how little is left to be done before break!
54. How old do people think you are?
i’ve gotten 16 and i’ve gotten 22
55. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
a fair amount
56. Next time you will kiss someone?
57. Do you hate when people put "I love you" on their profiles for people they just got with?
it sort of bothers me when people put things like that on their profiles at any point in a relationship. unless perhaps if they’ve been married for forty years. that would be sweet.
58. Do people ever spell your name wrong?
oh my god, why do people always get the irresistable urge to put two Bs in rebecca??
59. Did anyone break up with you in the last 5 days?
nooo. there were those nine minutes this morning, but that was fake.
60. Describe your mood?
there was already a mood question here
61. Do you think you will ever get married?
62. Are you a jealous person?
pretty much
63. Are you taller than your mom?
64. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
i don’t think so
65. If you could move to Africa, would you?
hell no
66. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger?
no, i value my electronics
67. When is your birthday?
september 24
68. Are you listening to any music?
69. When is the next time you will see your grandma?
probably over break sometime
70. What is your favorite number?
don’t have one
71. Ever flushed a fish?
never had a fish
72. Have you ever done anything illegal?
certainly, but nothing worth jail time
73. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
74. Who do you wish you were with right now?
i’m pretty content
75. Does anyone hate you for no reason?
i don’t think so
76. Can you make yourself cry?
it depends
77. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
almost 9 and a half but a good bit this morning was only half asleep
78. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
definitely, but i wouldn’t want to be stuck there
79. Have you ever snuck people into your house?
nope. house alarm kind of sucks for that anyway
80. Do you think you'd make a good parent?
sometimes. other people say i would
81. Do you like your school?
82. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
i wouldn’t say crap. i think i’ve been handled gently.
83. When and what was behind the last reason you cried?
several days ago and i’m not even sure
84. Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your first name:
85. Is your profile private?
86. How was the past week for you?
almost overwhelming
87. Does it bother you when your friends bring up your past mistakes?
88. Are you good at giving directions?
89. If the year only consisted of one season, which would you choose?
spring or fall
90. Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
91. What was on your mind most today?
japanese ghosts and spring break
92. Do you like winter time?
it has its rare special moments. but definitely rare.
93. Do you believe that if you want someone bad enough, you'll get them?
94. Can you honestly say that things are running smoothly for you?
most things
95. Do you currently miss someone?
of course
96. Are you friends with someone who's older than you?
most of my friends are older than me, though not by a decade or anything
97. Do people ever mistake you for being a different race?
no way could they
98. Do you have your baby picture in your room?
99. What happened at 10 A.M. this morning?
i was still asleep
100. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines?
if i need to tell them something
101. Do you have any career ideas yet?
career is a stupid word
102. Did you wake up in the middle night last night?
i usually do.