(no subject)

Aug 06, 2004 10:20

I'm babysitting right now on 2.5 hours of sleep, due to hours and hours of dancing at the Art Bar last night. This is not a good thing. I am counting the minutes until it's nap time for kids and sitter alike.

I was home over the weekend and I brought back all my old videos from when I was a kid.
When I was over here babysitting two days ago we watched Free Willy and Aladdin. I was not surprised that I was completely sobbing at the end of Free Willy. I was surprised at how well I can still quote Aladdin. The boys liked the movies, and Eric, who is six asked me "Is that a boy or a girl?" in reference to the Michael Jackson video at the beginning of Free Willy. Kids these days. Today I brought over Homeward Bound, and we are watching it right now. I don't know what I was thinking, because I WILL be bawling at the end. Just like every time I've watched the movie since 1993. Yes, I have always been this way.

Poor Chase. He's 2, and he's not feeling well today. He's got a fever and he just toddled over to me and "I feel ow." and pointed to his tummy. I'm going to go take care of him now.

I've got more to talk about, but that will have to wait until another time.
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