(no subject)

Jun 12, 2004 02:18

How come all grandmothers insist on feeding their grandchildren constantly? And it's never anything healthy. I've eaten so much in the last 3 days, I think I might pop. And it doesn't help that my Grandmother keeps an entire cabinet of candy stocked at all times. Or that she brought home a box of Krispy Kremes. Good lord, it's never ending. All I've really done in the past 3 days is sleep, eat, shop and play with my cousins. This is fine by me, because it's my vacation and I'm allowed. Plus I spent 5 days before that in the City, with surprises and shows and people and excitement, so now I'm resting up for my next venture in to continue with the madness.

The 21st-25th is gearing up to be complete chaos. Which is fine by me because that is how I like it. Everyone and their mother is going to be in the City that week. Emily, Stephen, Margarita. I'm going to want to be in the city for the whole time, But I have some obligations during the week on Long Island. Ah well, I'll figure it out. Here is how the week is looking so far:

21st - Stephen comes in. Subway Train fundraiser that night.
22nd - I don't have any plans. Probably see a show with Stephen. I think we'll hang out with Ryan Catan.
23rd - I have tickets to see The Normal Heart that night with Joyce and Grandma. We are looking into getting tickets to see the matinee of Frozen. Emily comes in. We go out that night.
24th - My cousin Jacki graduates from elementary school, so I'll come back to Long Island for that. We'll do a family dinner type thing. And then I want to go back into the city that night, so I can go out with everyone again.
25th - I have no definite plans, but I'll want to hang out in the City for a while that day. I'll have to go back to Long Island sometime before dinner, because...
26th - I fly home. =(

I'll be back in St. Aug sometime on the 29th, I believe, since I have to work on the 30th.

Anyways. I FINALLY saw Mean Girls tonight. I went with Joyce and Jacki, and it was really fun. By the way, Emilybluesmurf, LINDSAY LOHAN rocks, and is so much cooler than The Duff. And you know it.

I don't have much planned for tomorrow, except more playing with the cousins. I'll be in the City on Sunday with my Grandma, Aunt and 2 cousins to see Thoroughly Modern Millie. Yay for seeing it before it closes, and for getting to see Susan Egan as Millie. She was my first Sally Bowles, and she was show-stopping in it. I can't wait to see her in this.

this entry is scattered and my grandmother totally just kidnapped me and is made me eat a 2am snack with her. goodnight
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