(no subject)

May 03, 2004 03:12

I have been fascinated by late night MTV and VH1 the last two nights. It's when they show actual music videos. This is what happens when I am exposed to television again, after being at school with no cable.

I'm at home, in Wellington, right now. I really needed to get out of St. Augustine for a few days. I hadn't had the feeling in a long time, so it's definitely time for a break from life. The drive down was actually pretty therapeutic. I caught up with some phone calls, listened to some music, got to be alone with my thoughts for the first time in a while. It may have been a combination of sleep depravation, my Wicked obcr, and the last few weeks, but sitting at a red light at Jog and Haverhill, knowing I was almost home, was very satisfying.

Plus, my parents have been trying to bribe me to come down and visit with the birthday gifts they have been holding hostage. My mom picked out a watch, that I love, Love, LOVE. I'm getting some of the links out tomorrow, so it will fit my wrist. She also bought me a bunch of clothes, which is lovely and very much appreciated. We are going shopping for more various things tomorrow too. Sometimes Mommy is all the therapy that a person needs to feel better.

Today was a nice relaxing day, just what I needed. I got to sleep in, go in the hot tub and splash around in the pool, read a few magazines, helped my dad make dinner. My little brother is taking the test to get his license in a few weeks. He and I went to Circuit City so he could get something. I let him drive my car, because I'm a good big sister. I bought new speakers for my laptop, so now I can actually listen to my music loudly if I want. This is exciting for me, and makes me want to download new music! Suggestions are welcome. My brother and I came home and we all ate dinner, where my mother talked about concerts and "flaming fucks" amongst other things. I love her, she's so cute.

I'm getting my plane ticket to New York tomorrow! I can't wait to get back up there, and see so many of you! I'll post my dates after I buy my ticket!

Jess let me ramble to her on the phone tonight, and then Tara called me Alice. Maybe I should change my name? =)

I think I had more to write about, but I can't think anymore. I'm so tired. The hot tub does that to me everytime. It's really nice to be home right now.
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