Here lies one whose name was writ in water...

Oct 20, 2004 17:10

Apparently one of your former GHS '05 classmates, who moved away over the summer, was back in town this weekend to look at colleges. She is a very bright, well rounded girl. She was regularly listed on the honor roll. So you might understand why I was slack-jawed when I heard her top school, the reason she traveled all the way back here to visit, was Bridgewater State. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine school. That being said, what in the world is going through her head to put this school on her list when her grades are good enough to get her into far better schools?

Are the teachers and guidance counselors at GHS completely failing you in terms of helping you make these decisions? Is the average college-bound GHS student more interested in the 4 year (5 for you Logan) party scene than they are in the 50-70 years of their lives that come after that?
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