Jun 15, 2006 01:51
God, some people are so freaking immature!!!
If you're going to read my journal quit being so lame and running and telling your mommy everything thats on it that has NOTHING to do with her! When I said "someone come get me from the beach" I was being completely and totally sarcastic I would never seriously ask someone to drive 4 hours to pick me up from the beach even if I wasn't having fun.
But some people can't grow up and stop running to their mommy's with everything even when it has NOTHING to do with them in the first place. I'm sure you've said stuff like that before.
Gah, I swear I'm so sick of people not minding their own buisness and if I hear one more thing you ran and told your mom... and if people start coming up to my mom talking about what "your mom said, you said, I posted on the internet..." man thats just rediculous...look at what I just had to type out... thats so stupid. My mom doesnt care OR think I was wrong in the first place!!! But if that happens one more time I'm going to scream at you.
I'm nice to you and speak to you and try to be sweet everytime I see you ... so please mind your own buisness and quit running to your mom with everything that has nothing to do with her AT ALL.
And if you can't stop doing that then I'll just delete you from my friends list and make everything friends only.
I mean this is really rediculous, it's so unbelievably stupid that I have to say this in the first place especially considering everything I write in this journal is dumb the majority of the time and makes no since.
But please, like I said... mind your own buisness and if the situation has nothing to do with you then stay out of it. Read about it if you must but don't give anyone your opinion because honestly no one cares... especially not my mom.
So you, and your mom, and your brother, and your little sister need to stay out of my buisness please if all yall can do is run and tattle tale and gossip and try to get me in trouble.
I don't think about you twice until I see you at church so I dont know why the majority of your life is spent talking about me.
I'm sure I'll be hearing from your mom about this soon enough ... ha
and I could care less.
Lets go!