app for reims

Apr 18, 2011 21:32

( fandom student application )

AGE: 17
CONTACT: oh my piplup@aim, amplitude@plurk
PERSONAL LJ: domofairy

NAME: Toushirou Hitsugaya
CANON: Bleach
AGE: 15
ENROLLMENT Academic scholarships. Tons of them. He's a genius and probably has enough scholarships to provide him with enough money to pay for all of his tuition.
APPEARANCE: Here! It should also be noted that Hitsugaya's only 4'8", making him abnormally short for a boy his age.

PERSONALITY: Hitsugaya may be only 15-years-old, but his soul is that of an old timer.

Almost always solemn and cantankerous, Hitsugaya is anything but a ray of sunshine. He is rarely ever seen with even the slightest hint of a smile. He normally doesn't express a lot of enthusiasm or joy in doing anything, even though he does have the capacity to feel compassionate and resilient about some of his past times. Underneath an adolescent face lies a man of business, and he will get his ass down to it asap and will not be afraid to call out anyone who isn't pulling their own weight, for his main focus when given a task is to get it done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Due to Hitsugaya's cold mannerisms, many associate him with the element of ice for his "icy demeanor."

Hitsugaya's also been given a slightly more rewarding title- he's known around campus as a genius, sometimes even a prodigy. He has an abnormally high IQ for his age; his IQ is so high that it enabled him to skip one whole year of school, skipping eighth grade and immediately becoming a ninth grader upon his entrance to Reims Academy. He is ranked near, if not at the very top of his class for his high test scores, and is also taking advanced level courses. Hitsugaya is also rather intuitive and is able to pick up hints that others would be blind to.

This isn't to say that Hitsugaya's conceited. He's pretty humble when it comes to his intellect and doesn't like it when others constantly commend him for his achievements, mostly because he is horrible with dealing with compliments and would rather not be placed in such an awkward position. On top of that, Hitsugaya doesn't particularly enjoy studying excessively, but does so sporadically simply because he feels that it is his duty to in order to keep his grades up. However, he is aware of his abilities, and is constantly trying to surpass his own limits by studying. Generally speaking though, he doesn't care to be openly recognized as neither a prick or a genius- the former because it doesn't do him any good, and the latter because it draws too much attention to himself- though he can live with the reputations themselves and often tends to be apathetic towards how people perceive him, just as long as these perceptions have nothing to do with him resembling a little kid in behavior and/or appearance.

Hitsugaya absolutely detests being made fun of, more so when he's being called a child or being made fun of for his height. He wants to be taken seriously and not looked at as if he were a child. Even little things such as mistaking him for a child or commenting on his shortness will set him off. He never really takes insults to heart, but he will retaliate, usually by lashing out at the guilty party. To atone for his height, Hitsugaya takes naps in his spare time in hopes that he will grow taller from all the sleep.

Hitsugaya's also a little more isolated as opposed to other students around campus. Granted, he has a few friends, but his personality tends to drive people away. This is because he's often misunderstood; he's not one to be a total asshole to someone for no reason, despite his curt speech. Hitsugaya will lend a hand when needed, and will give people the time of day when he sees fit, regardless of whether you share an interpersonal relationship with him or not. Give him a reason to be a complete jerk and you'll get what you asked for.

On the other hand, if you do happen to become good friends with him, he'll still maintain his solemn persona but will prove to be very reliable and supportive in the long run. Hitsugaya cares about his friends beneath his scowls- even more than himself- to the point where he would literally give up his life for them if they needed him to. He's fiercely loyal, more than one may think. Hitsugaya's a man of his word, and he won't betray those whom he owes something to. If there ever comes a time where he does let a comrade down immensely, he will mentally beat himself up for it. One could also say that he's a bit overprotective, and has a tiny ounce of a brotherly complex, as demonstrated with his relationship with Momo Hinamori.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Hitsugaya's no computer genius. He knows the basics, such as how to surf the Intranet, but he hasn't bothered to experiment with hacking, though he may eventually get to it if Sollux ever manages to convince him to.

AU HISTORY: Toushirou Hitsugaya was born to a lower class family in Rukongai, one of the poorer districts in Japan. In his infant years, his parents struggled immensely to provide the family with basic necessities on a day-to-day basis- the family ate three scarce, unsatisfying meals a day; they only had access to cold water; they lacked comfortable bedding and they all often had to rest on the floor. After several months of enduring the effects of the same rigid, torturous process, enough was enough, and Hitsugaya was placed in the ownership of his grandmother when his parents couldn't take care of him any longer.

Not long after he moved to a slightly more prosperous area in Rukongai, Hitsugaya's grandmother became his guardian- the only one he'd really ever known growing up. She also fostered an orphan named Momo Hinamori, who'd been living in the residence before Hitsugaya's arrival. Initially, while Hitsugaya warmed up to his grandmother, he didn't get along with Momo, the two of them constantly bickering (though Momo's insults were more lighthearted). Eventually he warmed up to her and developed the need to protect her like an older brother would, despite her being several years older. However, Hinamori was the one who wound up taking the role of the older sibling.

Hitsugaya was feared by many of the kids in the neighborhood, becoming notorious for his cold mannerisms. Hinamori would often try to include him whenever it came to playing games with others, but to no avail. He'd only ever been recognized for his intimidating stares and for his bleak white hair. The one thing that Hitsugaya had managed to do that enhanced his reputation, however, was becoming the undefeated spinning top champion, which did earn him some accreditation. Hitsugaya also joined a local soccer team in his early childhood.

Eventually, Hinamori gradually began to disappear from his life. Because she was several grades above him, she became more studious, meaning that her time spent with Hitsugaya whittled down to almost no time at all. On top of this, Hitsugaya's grandmother's health had also been declining, and the family unsurprisingly lacked the funds to pay for any medical bills. It was as if something had been depriving Hitsugaya of the people whom he'd grown to love the most. And it wasn't anything akin to anything he'd ever wanted.

As a result of his crumbling family life, Hitsugaya's resolve to improve his situation strengthened. He urged himself to become as diligent- if not more diligent than Hinamori, determined to go far so he could be more providing for both his pseudo-sister and his grandmother. As a result, Hitsugaya spent most of his childhood days in his room- his personal bubble- where he would absorb as many facts and fictions as he could to gain entrance to a well-known prestigious school named Reims Academy.

His hard work awarded him later on when he earned numerous scholarships from various organizations that commended him for his brilliance and diligence. Through his well-earned scholarships, he was able to pay full tuition for the academy. Hitsugaya enrolled at Reims in his 8th grade year, but was able to skip it and advanced to the 9th grade because of his advanced intellect. (He is currently in the 11th grade.)

INTRANET/1ST PERSON SAMPLE In light of finals week approaching, many of you have been asking me to tutor you in various subjects. However, I am unable to offer assistance 24/7, therefore I am not available during most of the dates that have been requested and it seems as though some of you are struggling to set meeting times with me. To remedy this problem, I've written out a schedule with various dates you may choose from:

- Sundays in the library from 11:00am-2:00pm
- Mondays-Wednesdays in the library from 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Saturdays in the library from 9:00am-12:00pm

I will be offering tutoring sessions on a first come, first serve basis. Despite all of this, I highly suggest that you all seek guidance from your professors beforehand. They will most likely prove to be more helpful.

Please don't forget that I have other business to attend to outside of doing schoolwork.

LOG/3RD PERSON SAMPLE William Shakespeare is renowned for being one of history's most brilliant writers. Shakespeare is often credited for initiating the development of the human being in literature.

The most common misconception about Hitsugaya is that he enjoys studying and doing homework. If you were to see the vexed scowl plastered on his face, you would think otherwise. Truth was, Hitsugaya was not a fan of English nor was he a fan of Shakespeare's works. It wasn't that understanding old English gave him the most problems (although it was a bit difficult, considering he came from a foreign background), but rather having to skim through all of Othello to find concepts worth analyzing and quotes worth quoting.

This play disgusted Hitsugaya. All of the foolishness demonstrated by the main characters is what made him almost unable to get through the whole story. The gullibility and presumptuous behavior of the main protagonist was sickening. Ignorance at its finest. This is exactly he prefers any genre over romance and drama, Hitsugaya pondered.

Oh well. To atone for the begrudging feelings left by the time wasted writing his essay, Hitsugaya alleviated his frustration by seeking relief in the save button. One click and he'd be done with homework for the day. He maneuvered the pointer arrow to the holy button in the upper left hand corner--


Obscenity. Obscenity and all fifty popups of it plastered all over the monitor.

There was no end to it. They kept on coming, one by one, and he wondered not only why it was happening but how it managed to pass all of the filters.

But there was really only one plausible solution he can come up with to answer both dilemmas.

"CAPTOR!!!" resounded in the near distance. Sollux probably had no trouble hearing it at all.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? Of course. Can't forget about them rabid wombats, now.

(NOTE: I got the okay from the mun who reserved Sollux to mention him in my sample!)
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