To brighten up this gloomy depressing place~

Jun 27, 2008 15:38

My my, yesterday was very eventful for me.♥ Sometimes the world ending can work in favor of a beautiful goddess as my self~ Lets see here~ Such a handsome young boy deflower_you got to feel what it's like to be with a REAL goddess. ;D And let me tell you I did not hold back~ Wonder how long he might be sore?♥

Not to mention I got to prove just how amazing I really am to a sweetheart by the name of Pein was it? Oops~ Was that suppose to be a secret that you copped a feel? My Bad. pfffttt. I also got the freak out a cute lil albino boy who just makes me want to make him feel even more awkward~ Oh speaking of which, when are you going to give into temptation and admit you want me, Badou Nails~?

Living the life of a goddess is SUCH hard work I need to treat myself with pictures of you adorable humans who think you can hide from the eyes of an onlooker~

How cute~ You still sleep with teddys Konzen Genyo Sanzo~

You even want to be a Pop Diva? Long live your dreams I suppose~

Even as a child you just had to get into trouble, ne Sha Gojyo~?

My I didn't know your taste ran so young, Gojyo!♥

Kekekeke~ I wonder who caught you two doing what~

Tsk tsk smoking at such a young age~

Getting a little close aren't you two?~

Pffttt!!! Hahahahahahahaha

~♥~ Such a cute couple If I do say so my self~

You sure do know how to have fun, ne?

Oh Hakkai you really know how to turn a goddess on~

Someone looks like he had a fun time, I wonder who with though~

Aww~ Doesn't he make such a cute furry?

If you keep sleeping like that Sanzo some God/ess might come down and make you an unholy priest~

Oh and before I forget~ Gojyo, remember that thing you asked me? ;D Well it's done♥ Maybe you should try to see if it worked, ne?

(ooc: Very not dial up friendly. >.> I might have gotten carried away with the fanart.. just a smidge? >.> )

sexy boys make hawt toys~, i had lots of fun, amused, fanart is win

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