Oct 14, 2004 22:56
First best friend: Andrew P
First car: Firebird
First real kiss: Whitney
First break-up: whitney i guess?
First screen name: idk Jordannes Lover
First self purchased album: i dont remember
First funeral: Great Grandma
First pets: Sugar, black Lab
First piercing/tattoo: none
First credit card: DAD's
First true love: Grace W. lol idk
First enemy: little Ed
First big trip: cleveland
First music you remember hearing in your house: Probably Beatles
Last cigarette: mounths ago
Last car ride: drove w/ mom to get clothes
Last kiss: jordanna
Last good cry: In my dorm room like 3 to 4 weeks ago. I missed jordanne and very lonely
Last library book checked out: Watergate Scandal
Last movie seen: frankenFish a few min. ago
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: sandwitch and chips w/ salsa
Last crush: jordanna
Last phone call: my DAD
Last time showered: this morning. lol
Last shoes worn: Rainbows
Last item bought: clothes a few hours ago
Last annoyance: deciding what to do with weekend
Last time wanting to die: a few weeks ago. I was sooo lonely
Last time scolded: maybe today, by Jordanne
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your best friends? Jordanne and Zach
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Jordanne
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop? Stien Mart
02. any tattoos or piercings? None, Unlike jordanne who wants a kittycat.lol!
s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? naw
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? whatever is around
03. what are you most scared of? snakes
04. what are you listening to right now? posin, from Jordannes love Cd she made for me. I hope that she feels what they say on these songs and we will be together forever.
05. where do you want to get married? Wherever jordanne wants too
06. how many buddies are online right now? none. :(
07. what would you change about yourself? my whole body from my waste up
f a v o u r i t e s
01. color: blue
02. food: mexican
03. boys' names: Jamison :-)
04. girls' names: Mackenzie
05. subjects in school: Accounting
06. animals: elephant make he horny
07. sports: Golf and as of late horseback riding(3/4 a cowboy)
08. perfume: none
09. cologne: Abercrombie and Fitch
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? yeah
02. smoked? yes
03. bungee jumped? no
04. made yourself throw up? no
05. skinny dipped?no
06: ever been in love? yeah
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no
08. pictured your crush naked? hell yeah
09. actually seen your crush naked? hell fuckin yea agian
10. cried when someone died? yes
11. lied? yes, dont like to though(Never would to pussycat0
12. fallen for your best friend? no
13. been rejected? yes
14. rejected someone? yes
15. used someone? no, never would
16. done something you regret? Hell yeah, wish i could change them more than anything
c u r r e n t
clothes: just short, no shirt (I just am to sexy for that)lol!
music: love songs(bon jovi)
make-up: try not to wear any
smell: like a real man!!!!!
favorite artist: Don Henly sometimes
desktop picture: me and my pussycat
book your reading: nothin but i soon will be reading about some chink
cd in player: something jordanne made me out of love( I hope)
dvd in player: none
color of toenails: all natural baby
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: hugged my mom
hugged: mom
you imed: jordanne
you kissed: Jordanne
a r e | y o u
understanding: yep
open-minded: when i want to be
arrogant: sure can be
insecure: oh hell yea
interesting: sure am!
hungry: naw i ate good today
smart: sometimes
moody: yep
hardworking: well if i concentrate
organized: I know where everything is
healthy: today yes
shy: yeah, not around ppl i know though
attractive: to some i am hott as hell.lol
bored easily: very much soo
responsible: can be
obsessed: yes
angry: a lot
sad: get that way too much. I hate too
disapointed: yes when I expect something from myself that goes wrong and when people dont say the right thing
happy: yeah i have a good life a lot of the time
hyper: yep i can be believe it or not
trusting: yes
talkative: i am to some people
legal: im 18
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: anybody that messes w/ jordanne
slap: I dont slap I punch hard
get high with: jordanne if anybody
look like: me but better than i do
talk to offline: jordanne
talk to online: jordanne
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: horny and sleepy
all i need is: food, jordanne, and fun
love is: is awesome most of the time
i dream about: if everything in my life were perfect and stuff that is not for young ears.lol
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: coke man baby
flowers or candy: candy; dont want flowers, but like to give them
tall or short: my height
r a n d o m
what do you notice first: no a girl ur body. no doubt
last person you danced with: jordanne see is easy to dance with. just stand there and watch her go
worst question to ask: why? a lot of times
who makes you laugh the most: Jordanne and dease
who makes you smile: people that are nice to me
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: jordanne still does that to me!!!!!!!!
who do you have a crush on: jordanne is it
who has a crush on you: jordanne does
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: heck no
save conversations: on MSN
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: I have thought about it, but dont want to be
wish you were younger: yep so I could do some stuff over
cry because someone said something to you: i will.
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: idk once
of hearts i have broken: idk
of guys i've kissed: o
of girls i've kissed: 6
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: 3 never have many
of cds i own: a shit load
of scars on body: i guess 2